Chapter Twenty

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The Conversation

A long train of silence came upon the room. Toy and Mean were staring at each other. As if they were the last two people on this very earth. The tension in the room was impeccable. You couldn't even cut this with a knife as they stared at each other. "I know a apology wouldn't be enough for what I have put you through." Mean tried explaining as his face looked gloomy. "I could say the same for you. But do you understand why I hid this from you?" Toy asked as he was explaining how he felt. Mean nodded slightly before continuing to keep his gaze on Toy's eye's.

Things were filling the boys head's with many thoughts that it was almost suffocating. "I will be honest with you P'Mean, I don't know where this relationship will go." Toy said as he felt like he was confused he also didn't know where he stood with his ex boyfriend. "I don't know either Toy, I'm in love with you. That is all I know". Mean expressed and confessed his love to Toy. In that moment Toy still didn't know what to do. "You are in love with me?" Toy questioned because he didn't believe it.

"Of course I'm in love with you Toy. How couldn't I be in love with you?" Mean said as Toy's heart fluttered but he knew that he had loved Mean as well. But he knew something merely will not be taken back lightly. Especially, when he had known the breakup wouldn't end up into the happy getting back together moment he earned for. "Slowly, we will figure us out." Toy explained it had hurt and pained him to say so but at the same time he knew that this needed time.

"Okay", was the only thing heard in the room that came out of Means mouth. Before the pair of men sat in silence again. "I was so afraid". Mean had broken that silence. While twiddling his thumbs. "What do you mean by that?" Toy asked as he stared at Mean. "I meant like I was scared to loose you. So I felt that if I broke it off that it would be easier to deal with the pain. Instead of putting you through pain". Mean explained as Toy sighed heavily. "P' doing something like that hurt me more." Toy explained as his facial expression told it all. Mean leaned over and held Toy's hands. "I'm sorry let me make it up to you okay?" Mean asked as Toy nodded and a small smile crept up on his lips.

Mean walked over and sat next to Toy as he held his hand and gave him a small butterfly kiss on his cheek. "Do you want to cuddle?" Mean asked as Toy looked over at the man who's expression had gone soft. Toy nodded and smiled at the older boy as Mean smiled. They both laid back on Toy's bed as Mean hugged the younger boy in his arms. While playing with his hair. Toy was humming while enjoying the embrace that the older boy was giving. "Can we fix whatever happened yesterday?" Mean asked as Toy looked up then gave a small smile at Mean. Then touched his nose with his index finger softly. "I said slowly". Toy said as the older boy sighed and closed his eyes. "Fine, your lucky I love you". Mean said as Toy smiled at the older boy before planting a small kiss on his lips. "I love you too brat". Toy said as they both closed there eyes before they drifted off into a soft sleep.

Moons P.O.V

I slowly sighed while looking at Kang who was pacing back and forth. "What are we?" I asked innocently since I didn't know and the question ate me up inside. Kang paused while looking at me. "I don't even know, Moon I have no clue". He said to me as I sighed. "Did that kiss ever mean anything to you?" I asked as I looked at Kang again. The Kiss on the beach that night had to have meant something. "Moon stop asking questions please". He asked as I shut my mouth and played with my bracelet on my wrist.

"I'm confused, I have to find out the answer. I can't just sit here and pretend like that kiss was nothing. Kang that was my first kiss!" I exclaimed as I stared out the window that was fogging up because of the rain. "I don't understand what you want from me Moon I don't". Kang said as something inside of me just scoffed. "Seriously? I wouldn't have asked about something so serious. I want to know if you like me?"

I said while I closed my eyes and sighed as I started rambling on and on about that same moment. Until I felt a pair of lips on mine. I kissed Kang back as I opened my eyes when he pulled away. "You talk to much when your nervous". Kang said as my face flushed. "Shut up" I muttered out as he smirked. "I don't know what we are though. I've never dated anyone". My eyes widened at his words as I looked at him. "What? What about Nancy-" I was trying to say before he cut me off. "Just because I liked her doesn't mean I dated her". He thumped my forehead and mumbled out. "Idiot" I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"Whatever this is, I want it to work". Kang said as I nodded in a agreement. "So the kiss at the beach? We're you drunk?" I asked as he chuckled before sitting down next to me. "Yes and no, I was on the verge of becoming wasted. But I knew what I was going that day." Kang said as I have a thumbs up.

Then it made me think back to that day.

I watched Kang dance as the others were already tired and went straight to there rooms. While me and Kang were outside enjoying ourself's. I smiled happily and got up then started dancing with him. I was swaying to the music and letting the sober me take over.

Kang grabbed hands and pulled me closer as we were dancing. He was staring at me, I stared back and enjoyed the song as the moon was shining brightly. The waves of the beach were calming. While listening to the music and acting as if we were two runaways enjoying each-others company.

Kang leaned his face next to me and smiled. "You are so pretty". He mumbled as I smiled within the moment before feeling his warm lips press against mine. The kiss felt like I was standing there for hours. He pulled away and smiled before passing right out into my shoulder. I sighed and took him to his room.

I snapped out of my thoughts to hear, "be my girlfriend". Kang said which caught me off guard. I looked at him with wide eyes. "What?" I asked as he sighed then smiled. "I want this to work so be my girlfriend". A large smile came to my face. "Hell yea!" I said as we both smiled before he gave me a small kiss.

Holy shit was this really happening right now?!

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