Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I woke up to people shouting at eachother and a bright light beaming in my face. I opened my eyes to see everyone standing around. I didn't know where I was or what the fuck just happened. I was in a complete daze. "What the hell is going on?" I asked groggily, as my mind felt foggy and I couldn't think straight. I sat up As I saw Perth in the room I looked at Rome who was holding his hand. I backed up into whatever bed I was in and looked at him and fear. "I don't want him in here!" I yelled as my mom looked at me. "Hun, you shouldn't yell you just woke up. You need time to process everything". My mom said as I looked at her as if she was crazy. "Your joking right, then everyone get out of my room or whatever the fuck this is. Perth I swear if I have to get out of this bed and do it myself I will". I said as I looked at everyone as my mom spoke and everyone left.

I heard the door open back up as I almost said something but it was a nurse. "Hi dear, how are you feeling?" She asked as I looked at her blonde hair. "I'm fine but, Where am I? What happened?" I asked as the nurse stopped with her clipboard and looked at me. "You were quite under a lot of stress. Which caused you to black out a few days ago". My eyes widened at her words. A few days ago?!! I looked at the nurse then at the door before groaning softly. "May I make a request?" I asked as the nurse nodded. "If that man in the green who goes by the name of Perth tries to come in this room. Please do not let him in. If you do not want to further my stress. Do that for me".

I said as the nurse nodded, "you should be out of here soon. I promise me or your other nurse won't let that happen. But your meal should be coming soon. How is your head?"

The nurse asked as she clicked her pen to start writing down how I feel. "My head hurts a bit but it doesn't help when they were arguing". I said as the nurse nodded. "Unfortunately it's been like that since you arrived sir". The nurse responded back as I looked at her. "What have they been arguing over?" I asked as she sighed before fixing her glasses. "I'm not supposed to say but I since you are a young boy and becoming an adult you should know. Over innocence, I presume though it's about the boy you don't want in here".

The nurse said as I nodded, as if I knew but I didn't. I just nodded, "well if you need anything please let me know". She smiled before walking over to the door. "Nurse?" I asked as she turned around and smiled. Before humming a small yes. "May you call Moon and Book in here please?" She nodded before waking out the door.

I waited for a few minutes to see the girls I trusted and called my sisters as they looked happy to see me. "Hun, thank god your okay". Moon blurted out as I smiled, they both engulfed me into a group hug. "Now speak what the fuck is going on". I said as they sighed and sat down. "This will be a long story. We will share then you will share your side got it?" Book said as I nodded. I needed to know no matter how bad it was.

It took them two hours to explain everything. Perth was trying to claim that he didn't know what happened. That it was I who was fucking crazy. I was the one who did that. Or that he was the one who tried to stop me. That he didn't know what to do with me. He was trying to frame me.

But then I told my side of the story. I explained what happened. I remembered every detail. It was a scary experience I had to remember it. "I have known both of you since I was little but we all know when Perth is lying. It's for a fact that he is lying to cover up for himself. But Rome is trying to deny it." Book said as I face palmed before groaning slightly.

"Bring everyone in here. If I get left alone with Perth you won't just have a friend in the hospital but a friend 6 feet under". I said as Book nodded before getting everyone. Back into the room. It took some time. As I just sat there staring at everyone.

Then there I sat and explained everything. Things that may look simple to some people weren't simple at all. It horrified me to know that this happened. But it could have been anyone but the person I let into my home. The person I told my deepest darkest secret too. The one who lived with me. Was the one who betrayed me. The one whom I loved. Perth had just looked at me as if I was the one who had a death wish. My parents looked at Perth as if he was some monster. My sister who was pregnant in the room and she looked like she was going to explode.

"Learn from mistakes, own them, face them, concur them. Those were all things that I was taught by you Perth". I dropped the honorifics at this point I felt sick. Mean had this look in his eye that I have never seen before. A look so sickening, a look that could kill. I didn't like it whatever it was.

"I don't understand why you think that you could do something like that to my brother you sick fucking bastard". My sister was furious but trying to keep calm. "You were my brother once, I trusted you I let you meet my kid!" She yelled as Moon grabbed my sisters arm and tried calming her down. "It's not worth yelling over, your pregnant. If you get stressed and something happens it won't be good. I guarantee  the arguing I was in formed about was hard enough to handle." I said as Perth then decided to speak.

"Bull shit how could you come at me? Your lying for the sake of your poor boyfriend". My jaw clenched and I tried to bite my tongue for as long as I can. "Mean and I are not together you have no right to say such a thing. Bull shit? Really want to go there. Mean I'm not going to hurt you but I want to use you as a example. To show what happened and what you did to me!" I said as I got out of bed as Mean nodded before everyone cleared me out of the way. So I stormed over to Mean and slammed him up against the wall while holding his shirt into a fist. "You see this is when I told you to stop. But no, someone couldn't get the hint now could they. You wouldn't let me go until I admitted that I loved you in some way".

I said as I had gotten closer to Mean. "I begged and pleaded for you to stop. But then you did this because I wouldn't say that I liked you due to the non existent feelings I had". I said as I looked at Means face as he grew angry. I pulled Mean into a forced kiss before pulling away. I looked at Perth. "I kicked you to get off me after resisting a kiss from you". I said as I felt as if I was now in a detectives room or I was a lawyer defending my own case.

"But that's when Rome, Mean and Kang walked in because they heard the yelling. They heard someone say now. That someone was me! I was telling you no! A mistake was a mistake!" I yelled out looking at him as I had given him such a serious look.

"You fucking asshole!" Mean yelled out as he looked like he was going to attack him before Rome spoke. "I believe Perth". Was the last thing I heard before another blow out happened.

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