Chapter Eighteen

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You Think You Know Me

The 2 weeks came by really fast but now it was Tuesday night, I was on my way to a bar to meet P'Game. I came alone to find out the real story. I sat down and waited for at least 15 minutes. Then I heard someone speak, "Excuse me are you Toy?" I turned to see a older man and nodded before smiling. "It's nice to meet you, please sit." I said as he smiled then sat in the booth where I was sitting at. "Thank you for helping me solve this". P'Game smiled as I nodded. "Of course If I didn't know you guys existed I wouldn't have done anything. Since I always thought Mrs. Kalahan was his real mother." I said as he sighed, "Unfortunately that was my sister-in-law." He said as I nodded.

"I knew that but the story we were told was that P'Mean and P'Kole were adopted by the Kalahan's when they were young because their parents gave them up". I explained to him as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. As P'Game started the whole story, it took 3 hours to explain what had happened to P'Kole and P'Mean. It was the same story that my mom told us but completely flipped and that they were stolen from P'Game and P'Mave. Along with Mrs. Kalahan couldn't have children so she saw a opportunity to steal her sisters children. "Before you go since I know it's getting late out P' but Mean is getting married tomorrow. It's a arranged marriage that was forced upon him".

I explained as Game sighed and ran his fingers through his gray hair. "Son, we have to do something about this, My wife is at the hotel. When I get home I shall tell her. Please send us the address its time to end this once and for all. Goodnight to you". Game got up and left and after a few minutes I did the same. Once I got home I walked into the dorm room as it was pitch black so I thought Mean was asleep. I went to turn on a light since I knew Mean was a heavy sleeper. 

The light turned on as I saw Mean sitting on the bed. "What the fuck", I said while holding my chest because he scared me. "Don't what the fuck me", He said as he reeked of alcohol. He seemed angry about something. "What the hell is your problem?"I asked as he rolled his eyes at me, "This is my problem". He held up his phone as I looked at a picture of me and P'Game having a conversation. "Your into old men now, am I not good enough?" He asked as I sighed, "Old men seriously? You really think I would do so?" I questioned as he nodded which hurt me since it was almost like he thought about me in a way that I should have thought about him.

"You really think that I would do something like that. But how do I know that you haven't gone back to your selfish ways again." I said as he was accusing me of something that wasn't even true nor would I do something like that. "Who even sent you that?" I asked as he looked me in the eye before speaking. "That's not any of your concern, why were you out with him?" He asked as I sighed heavily. "Just to talk you can't always assume that I'm cheating on you. I'm not you". 

Toy grew annoyed with Mean's actions while speaking to him. "So your saying that I am a cheater? Along with me not knowing what you were doing out with a man? You're making me look like the bad guy when I'm not in the wrong". Mean said to Toy as he sat on the bed and rolled his eyes. "Can you be a little mature? It's just a conversation I held with someone I knew. Stop questioning me, do you not believe me that I didn't cheat on you?" Toy asked as he shook his head yes. "Everyone has the potential to do something like that. Just because you act innocent doesn't mean so." 

Mean retorted as Toy's eyes widened "What's up with you hiding things from me as well?" Mean asked as Toy just closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. As he didn't want to lose control on the one he loved better yet he didn't want to spill on what was going on. "Listen I get it you are getting married tomorrow. But don't accuse me of being shady. You obviously went out and started to drink." Toy said as Mean looked at him and scoffed. "I don't want to do this anymore". Toy said as he was just saying as in a argument that was starting. "So you don't want to be together anymore is this what you are trying to say?" 

Mean said as he looked at Toy as Toy realized that he didn't word it properly. "N-" Toy tried saying as Mean smiled and looked at Toy. "Then go off, do your own thing. If you don't want to do us anymore." Toy looked at Mean, "No I didn't mean it like that I just didn't want to argue". Toy said as Mean stood up. "No I'm serious were done". Toy looked up at Mean and gulped as he tried not to let tears flood his eyes. 

"Maybe this arranged marriage needs to happen. Maybe we don't need to be together." Mean said as Toy's heart broke, "Fine, You will see tomorrow" I said as I got up and headed straight to Moon's room. I needed her more than ever. 

I knocked on the door as the door opened quickly, "Hey Hun whats up?" Seeing Moon started to make me cry "Hey Hey stop it honey, come in". I walked in and sat on her couch as Perth sat up on his bed. "Is everything okay?" I shook my head no and just sobbed uncontrollably. "Oh shit," Perth had gotten out of bed and ran to me and gave me a hug. As Moon did the same. "Breath and then tell us everything okay?" Moon said as she played with my hair then I spilled. 

"This story will take hours to tell so be ready".

Then I explained I didn't know what to say or do but I knew tomorrow was still show time to stop this wedding. 

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