Chapter Thirty

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Scavenger Hunt

I looked up at the same hospital tiles and groaned. As I felt like I was in prison. They said I should be out soon. I groaned and just waited until the doctor came to the door. She walked in with discharge papers as I gave such a large smile.

Before I knew it I was finally out of there thank god. I was roaming the streets in my clean clothes alone. It was midday so I decided to go back to the dorm. I unlocked the door and saw stuff on my bed. But Mean was nowhere to be found. I walked over to the bed and saw rose petals on it then a note. My eyebrows furrowed as I took the note and read it. "This may be a long shot. But follow this and I will know your answer. Go to the school quad and ask P'Nine for the next note". The note read as I put my stuff down quickly and headed straight for the school's quad.

When I arrived "P'Nine!" I yelled while looking at my senior he smiled and handed me a rose then a note. "Go see Moon, in the cafeteria". I bowed and then headed right over to the cafeteria. She was holding a large note and then three rose's. I grabbed them and read the note. "Think about where we broke up where did you go next?" I rolled my eyes and headed to my car.

I opened the car door and read the letter. "Go to your home". So I did I drove for an hour until I reached my home. I walked into the doors until someone blindfolded me. Then guided me through the house then let go as I saw everyone standing there. "Surprise!" They yelled as I smiled while looking at the balloon's that said happy birthday then I saw Mean standing there.

He held my hand and started pulling me closer to my family. He smiled then got on one knee.

"Toy I know we haven't been together long. Or maybe it's because I haven't treated you well. But I am so sure of this. I want to marry you. I am so in love with you Toy will you marry me". My eyes widened as I smiled.

"Of course".

Then I woke up, I stretched and my eyes widened I was in at the beach hotel. "What the fuck", I blurted out as Mean walked into the room from the balcony. Wearing nothing but his boxers. "Are you alright? You have been tossing and turning did something happen?" He asked as I started breathing heavily. "Wait, so this means that all of that was fake and I slept with you last night and not Perth?" I questioned as his eyes widened. "You wanted to sleep with Perth?!" He asked as I shook my head no.

"I had this dream where someone brought me up here after getting drunk. But when I woke up it was Perth. Then Perth went psycho or something. Then I was in the hospital after passing out. Then I had this weird dream about you proposing. Then we got married and had 4 kids some weird stuff". I said as Mean's mouth hung open as he was wide eyed. "What the- ? Were you that drunk? Did you hit your head last night? Did I go to rough?" He asked as I threw a pillow at him. He caught it and threw it back.

"Four kids huh?" He said as I looked at him and groaned then sighing heavily. "So Perth didn't go crazy?" I asked before rubbing my temples. "No! Hell no! Perth spent the night with Rome if you catch my drift". He said as I fake gagged. "Ew what the hell didn't need the details". I said as he winked at me. "I told you I couldn't control myself last night because I'm in love with you dumbass". He said as I looked at him. "No more Heart?" I asked as he nodded. "She's gone I swear I felt like running into a wall dating her. I know what I want and Toy I want you".

His words made my face flush. He jumped on the bed which made me chuckled then he kissed me. "I love you too idiot" I smiled before kissing him again. He pulled away "So gay lovers?" He said as I thumped him on the forehead. "No, Boyfriends is the term". He shrugged and kissed me again until the door opened I accidentally kneed Mean as he groaned and got off me. As Perth and Rome were wide eyed. "What did I just walk into?" Perth asked as I gave a small smile. "Nothing, nothing at all" I gave a thumbs up "We will wait for you love birds outside". I nodded as they left the room. "Mean are you alright?"

I questioned as he gave a small thumbs up while still groaning. "I'm sorry, I just panicked". I said as he just nodded.

I kissed his forehead as I got up I felt a hand on my waist pulling me back down. I giggled as Mean was on top of me again as my hands were pinned above me. "So Mr. Kalahan, when do you want to get married?" He asked using his last name and smiling. "Say what now?" I said in shock as he smiled and gave a small kiss on my forehead. "I want to marry you", a big smile came upon my face. "Don't joke around are you serious?" I asked as he nodded before grabbing something underneath the pillow then showing it to me.

"I want to marry you for real idiot". He had a ring in his hand as I started tearing up. "P'Meannnn!" I said whining and sniffling as tears fell down my face. "Toy soon to be Kalahan if you say yes. But would you like to marry me?" He asked as I nodded before he leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was long and passionate. He let go of my hands and repositioned his and rolled off me as we both sat up at the same time.

I was crying heavily, he hugged me while putting on the ring. "Were getting married", he said which made me sniffle more. I pulled away and looked at the beautiful engagement band and smiled. "I love you", I said through sniffles. "I love you too my wife", I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I'm a husband too not a wife!" I protested as I got up and started getting dressed.

"Suree, then I'm the pope". I chuckled as he got dressed. Then we headed out to see our friends. I stood in front of all our friends at the beach then used the hand that had the ring on it to move a piece of hair. "Wait what is that?!" Jax pointed out as I smiled and showed her as everyone gasped and smiled.

"Your going to be a wife!!!" Moon, Perth and Book said in unison. "Hey, I'm the Husband!" I yelled as they all started laughing. "Yea then I'm your mom". Moon said as I sighed then we chuckled together. "Hey I think our fake proposal worked out yesterday". Perth raised his eyebrows up and down as I rolled my eyes. "No, you don't speak a word about what you saw". I knew what he was hinting at. "What happened?" Jax asked as my eyes widened as Rome put a hand over Perth's mouth.

"Nothing, Nothing at all". I gave a small smile as we all started laughing.

This is what I needed I'm glad that wasn't real I don't think I could live with myself if that was.

I was living in the moment with my future husband, my best friends and the best family I could have asked for.

If someone would have told me that I would have come out. Lived my life with a man that I love. To end up marrying him. Then starting a family with him. I swear I would have called you crazy. But, now it's true. And I couldn't be happier.

The End

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