Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Dad, West said that I can't play with her phone!" I stared at my youngest daughter as I patted her head and sighed. "Unfortunately Harlow that's what happened when kids get older they don't like sharing". She pouted and looked at me. "Were you and dad like that as kids?" Harlow asked as I shook my head no. "Of course not, but some teenagers go through that phase". I said as I saw my husband standing there smiling at me as I saw our twins in each hand rapped around him like a jungle gym.

"I'm guessing the twins greeted you first this morning", I chuckled and smiled at him before he smiled back. My twins Knock and Follow, the beautiful brown curly hair planted on there head while they had a beautiful smile. "I can't believe we have kids". I said to my husband as he chuckled before speaking. "I can't believe it either, it seems like we waited for so long to have our family". He said as I nodded.

He was right, our oldest daughter West who was born 13 years ago, Harlow who was born 8 years ago and our last pair of children our twins they are both 4. We have 3 girls and 1 boy, seems ideal enough. "Can we see Auntie Moon?" Said West as she walked into the room with her eyes fixated on her phone. "It would be nice if you could get off the phone and ask us a proper question my love". I said as she sighed and put her phone in her pocket.

"Can we go see Auntie Moon?" She asked as I smiled before sighing. "If you want me to ship you off to Japan". I said before chuckling. "She will be back in a week. You can spend time with your old fathers until then". West nodded as I smiled before seeing my sister walk through the door. Sorn, June, Ivory and Harvey. I smiled looking at her children. "Here is the lot of children." I said before hugging my sister and then my nieces and nephews. Then looking at Sorn seeing how grown she was. It made me smile. I hugged her before letting go and smiling. Then greeted my brother in law.

Sorn, was now 20, June was 15, Ivory was 12, and Harvey is 6. We had kids all around the same time. We all have a heap full of children. "I swear you guys could start a kpop band at this point." My husband said as I chuckled before rolling my eyes. "Listen let my youngest grow up first then we can talk" I chuckled as my sister sat on the couch. "West and Sorn really look alike huh?" My sister said while looking at them converse. I nodded, they acted the same way except West was attached to her phone Sorn wasn't. "They are of the same blood, Knock and Follow look just like him" I said as I was referring to my husband. "Well they are of the same blood". My sister chuckled as I did the same. "He wants two more". I said as my sister laughed. "Do you have room for two. I think I want to rip my hair out with the four I have now". My sister said as I smiled and chuckled before looking at the kids playing together and enjoying themselves as the brother in law's were talking.

"So your really staying here for good?" I asked as she nodded. "Of course, England is a wonderful home place. But not right now, I think it's best to live over here since mom and dad are getting older". I nodded at my sister before taking a sip of my coffee. "If your husband wants another do what I do". I looked at my sister before she smiled. "Tell him that you guys can get a dog. Thankfully my husband is scared of dogs so he shuts up after I say that". I bursted out into laughter with her words. Before holding my stomach that was hurting me.

"It works I swear you have to try it on him". I nodded "your birthday is coming up soon your going to be so old". My sister said as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Your older than me" I said as she waved her hand at me like don't tell me I'm old. "I'm 19 at heart alright". I gave a thumbs up at her words before looking at my husband and just admiring him. "You guys are so in love". My sister says as I looked at her and smiled. "Listen if you were in love the way we fell for each other. It makes everyday more exciting". I said as she chuckled then smiled. "You guys have something interesting I met that dumbass randomly". I laughed "I can't believe you guys got married last year". Flower said as I looked back at my husband. "I know we have been together for years but at the same time I was shocked we didn't get married when we had West".

I said as my sister had a genuine smile on her face. "Hey babe, me and him are going to head out to get some food for later want anything?" There goes my sweet husband asking as I shook my head no. "No I'm good be safe love you". I blew a kiss to my husband.

I woke up in a cold sweat, I was shaking and shivering. My whole body was soaked in sweat. I looked at the clock that was in the hospital room.

3:26 am

That was a dream? I asked myself over and over again. But I didn't know who I was marrying. I sighed as the door opened revealing my sister. As she smiled. "Can't sleep?" She asked as I nodded before she sat on the hospital bed. "Did you find out the gender of your baby and the name yet?" I asked since I was curious. "I have why?"

My sister asked, "I had a dream can I just hear it so then I can see if it's right or not". She nodded before smiling and holding her stomach. "Boy, his name is June". My eyes widened as I looked at my sister. "Holy shit, that is what the dream I had said". As my sisters eyes widened. "What the fuck".

I said as I thought, could this be real within the future? Will I really have this future?

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