Chapter Six

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Flower Chvaritaron

I hugged my older sister as I whispered "Welcome home P'Flower". I said as she hugged me tighter and kissed my head. I had gotten out of her embrace and hugged my parents. "I missed you," My mother said as I nodded within there embrace. I smiled happily as I released there embrace. "Oooiii look at you with your outfit I'm jealous". My sister said as I looked down briefly as I was wearing a blue croptop and black ripped jeans. "Ohh you know?" I asked my sister as she nodded and patted my head. "I've known for years Toy. Come on you wore my fake high heels when you were three. Along with I remembered the way you looked at someone in grade 8. He was your best friend and still is." I grabbed my sisters arm and started walking away.

"P' people probably just heard you and don't tell P'Kang okay?" I said to her as I looked away as my parents started following us back to the car. My sister nodded as she patted me on the back and rapped her arm around me. "I forgot to say Mean is having dinner with us". My sister told me as I looked at her and then looked straight ahead before sighing. I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it to be this soon.

When we reached the car my niece and brother-in-law were standing there smiling with a sign. That read "Welcome Home P'Toy". I got closer to the ground by squatting as my niece ran and hugged me. "Uncle!" She yelled out in excitement "Sorn", I responded back with. Sorn had gotten out of my embrace as she smiled and I stood up properly. I greeted my brother in law as he smiled. He had brown hair which my niece mostly inherited besides her very dark brown eyes he is full english I'm glad my sister found someone who suits her crazy tastes.

Before I knew it we were sitting at the table. With Means family.

"Hello it's nice to meet you Auntie and Uncle!" I said while looking at Means mother and father at the dinner table. "It's nice to meet you to son". I smiled brightly while meeting his parents. They were complete opposites, Mean is a cold hearted asshole who doesn't care for anyone. While his parents are sweet. Parents started talking almost right away and catching up while the rest of us just sat there and slowly started eating. But you could tell that Mean's personality changed when it came to Sorn.

"Nong Sorn, do you want some food? P' can get more for you!" Mean smiled genuinely as this was something that I had never seen before. That was until he caught me staring at him as his smile dropped. Then his face went straight back to being mysteriously cold. He started filling up Sorn's bowl with meat and different vegetables. "Toymanakit" I looked up as my full name was called by Mrs. Kalahan.

"Auntie you can call me Toy. What did you want to ask?" I asked as she nodded and smiled. "What you are wearing my son, what is that called is it new mens fashion?". I remembered what I was wearing as I nodded quickly and smiled. "Auntie its called a crop top its stuff that bo-". I felt a harsh kick underneath the table as I looked at Mean who gave me a look like don't say anything. "It's what models wear so I thought I would try it". I smiled as she nodded "Toy, do you have a girlfriend? With such a handsome young man like you. I thought you would have had a girlfriend by now". I shook my head no.

"No, I think my studies are more important auntie". I said to her as she gave me a thumbs up as she sipped on her wine. The Kalahan family was obviously rich. With nice clothing beautiful accessories. While my family was on the bridge of having just enough money to survive the month.

"Meann!!" I heard her voice as my smile dropped I looked up to see Heart. I turned my head to look at Sorn and started talking to her. "How is the food that uncle got you?" She smiled at me and gave a thumbs up. "Wonderful uncle!" She said as I patted her head. "Have you started school yet?" I asked her She nodded "Yea, my friends don't speak Thai though I don't know why". I chuckled and smiled at her, "In England they speak english, so it's rare to have most people who speak Thai like you do". I said to her as Heart spoke which made me turn my head.

"Oii who is this cutie?" She asked as Sorn greeted her as the polite young girl she was. "My name is Sorn Andrews P'". Sorn says while smiling, Heart smiled at her but I could tell it wasn't heart felt at all.

"P'Heart this is my sister Flower Sorn's mother". I said as she nodded and directed her eyes to my sister and gave her a fake smile as well. "Nice to meet you P'!" She said as she sat next to mean as my sister knew something was up.

The dinner took almost all night, Heart was wasted. She couldn't even stand up on her own. "P' do you need help getting her back home?" I asked as he nodded while trying to hold her up. I got out of my seat and kissed my niece on the forehead. "Good night Sorn. Good night everyone". I said before I walked over to Mean and lifted her arm over my shoulder. We headed out of the building as I felt like a massive third wheel. She was trying to seduce Mean right in front of me while wasted.

"Mean...I want kisses". I almost gagged as I looked at Mean "What happened to one and done?" I said while just trying to get her in the car. "I don't really like her, she is just the hottest girl in class". He said as I scoffed while getting Heart in the car. I sat in the driver's seat as Mean sat in the passenger's seat. She had blacked out as I started driving I could tell Mean was out of it as well.

"How much did you have to drink tonight P'?" I asked him as he counted on his hand "4 drinks I think". I nodded as I continued to look at the road. "You better not black out on me on the way back P'."  I told him as he just nodded I took a small glance at him as he just looked at the road. His facial expression said that something was on his mind.

I didn't bother and just drove to P'Hearts house as her older brother had gotten her out of the car and into her house.

"I'm going to break up with Heart". I continued to drive and nodded. "I can see why", I told him as he put his head back on the seat. "She has become needy, I just would rather just do and screw". I almost gagged at the over share. "Didn't need to hear that but why don't you just man up and don't date anyone". I said as he yelled "Pull over!", So I did as we already reached our destination. "Is this me manning up enough?" He asked as I looked at him. "Pardon?" I said as before I knew it he leaned over the seat of the car and kissed me.

I was shocked as I pushed him off me, but now in that moment I knew that I was falling for P'Mean to fast.

"I was just teasing you Nong". Mean said as I got my stuff and smiled fakely. "Were here", I said as I got out of the car.

I just fell for him and he is already hurting my feelings.

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