Chapter Twenty-Two

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Rome What Is Wrong?
(This Chapter Will Also Be In Perth's P.O.V)

A few days have passed, weird looks were shared with each-other. Friendly dinners between our friend group were really weird. We didn't talk or look at each other. But this time we were all attending Nong Toy's dads surprise birthday party. I had gotten ready with Book as she looked at me and walked up to me. Before cupping my face and smiling. "You are so much better than this P'Perth" Book said before letting go of my face. I smiled back before patting her head. I fixed my shirt before looking at Book. "Your not bringing Nong Jax?" I asked as she shook her head no and her face went red. "No! No, she is busy and plus its not like we're official or anything." Book said as I chuckled.

Jax Harper, half Thai half British. Varsity soccer player, short brown hair that always seems to catch Book's eye. Book tries to deny anything about her true feelings for Jax but we all know how she feels. Even Book's mom has caught on very quickly. "Okay lets go we have to be there for 3:30 and its 2:55." I nodded before grabbing my stuff then heading out with Book. We both got a taxi and headed straight there.

When we had arrived it was 3:21. We opened the doors as everyone was standing around. The atmosphere was super weird. Decorations were hung people were chatting. But it was just some family friends and even Means birth parents? I questioned almost everything. As I held the gift in my hand. Book grabbed my other hand and intertwined her fingers with mine before we sighed and walked in. Then I saw P'Flower, I smiled brightly as I looked at her. She ran over and smiled. "There is my little brother finally. Oh you must be Book I've heard so many wonderful things about you hun!" Flower said with a smile on her face. I put the gift on a table before letting go of Book's hand and hugging P'Flower. She hugged me back.

Before letting go and hugging Book. "Lets go rascals Sorn must be waiting for her aunt and uncle." Books eyes widened then looked at me. I leaned closer to her and whispered. "Anyone who is a friend of Toy's or is like family to him you are automatically apart of the family. P'Flower and Nong Toy are attached to the hip". I said as she nodded before she smiled as she saw Sorn. "Sorn, this is your Aunt Book". Sorn's face lit up like a child in a candy store before she ran and hugged us both.

"Uncle Perth, Aunt Book did you see how cute Uncle Toy Looks?" I smiled at Sorn's words as I looked up to see Toy in full out cute clothes. His hair was done nicely. Cute pink and blue clips were put in his hair. As he was wearing overalls and a blue shirt underneath. When the hell did he get so cute? "I did those clips in his hair and Uncle Mean helped me pick out his outfit". Then I knew why he was wearing it. Sorn is very important to Toy. Just like Flower is a very important to Toy. "Is Uncle Toy and Uncle Mean back together?" I asked as she shook her head no. "No uncle Toy said that Uncle Mean stinks". She started giggling as me and Book giggled. My whole facial expression changed when I saw Rome. He didn't look all right. His face was pale and he just looked worn out.

"Sorn, Is Uncle Rome Okay?" I asked as she looked at me and pointed to him. "He doesn't look okay". I kneeled down and kissed Sorn on the forehead before looking at Book who was guestering me to go. I walked over to Toy first since I felt it was best. "Hey P'Perth!" Said Toy as he looked happy to see me. "Sorn and Mean did a wonderful job on your hair". I raised my eyebrows up and down as he hit my shoulder and sighed. "I feel like a fairy Princess". I giggled and put my hands together. "Fairy godmother please grant me a wish". I said in a desperate sarcastic tone as he rolled his eyes. "Fairy godmother my ass, but what is wrong with Rome?" He asked as I shrugged.

"No clue, after what I told you I haven't heard from him since." I said to Toy as he patted my head. "You should go talk to him then. Even Mean barely could talk to Rome." I nodded slightly before trying to make my way over there the front door swung open revealing Toy's Parents. "Surprise!" We all said as Toy's father broke out into a large smile. That smile lit up the room and everyone started to smile. Toy's father started greeting everyone and then he got to me. "My son, how are you?" He embraced me as I hugged him back and smiled. "I'm good dad, really well. Happy birthday". Toy's family have almost taken me in as their own.

8 years ago I lost my father, so as young as I was the Chvaritaron family took me in. My mother was widowed and worked constantly so I was with Toy a lot. My thoughts were taken away until he started talking to me. "Good to hear son and thank you. I knew Toy and you guys were planning something. I love you son take good care of yourself. Now if you will excuse me I think that food in the corner is calling my name". I smiled at my 'father' and I nodded. "Love you too Dad". 

I said as he walked away, My eyes were fixated on Rome. I had to talk to him if my dad saw me not walking over to him. I would have gotten scolded so here I go. I sighed before walking over to Rome. As I approached him I smiled as his face went blank. No expression no nothing it was as if I was staring at a dead body. I hated seeing him like that. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked as he sighed and didn't give me the time of the day. I knew I would have caused a scene so I grabbed his hand and and headed right where I knew that I could sit and talk with him. I pulled him into the guest room that was essentially the room where I stayed in. I shut the door behind me and locked it.

"Okay what the fuck is going on? You look dead." I said as it sat him down on the bed as I stood a few feet in front of him. He didn't answer me, "Listen I don't care how long this takes I will stay in here and wait until you decide to tell me what is going on. This is Toy's dad's surprise party we should be happy. Not dwelling on the accident that was made." I said as he sighed heavily again. "Why do you need to know what I am going through?" He said cockily as that drew the line for me I was beyond frustrated at him. Being friends with someone means that we tell eachother everything. But it was as if he didnt care or didn't see much value on whatever I was asking.

"We are friends I have to be concerned." I said as he scoffed before asking. 

"Who told you that I was your friend?" 

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