Chapter Fourteen

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Decisions Are Better Left Unsaid

"Morning" said Mean as Toy started freaking out. Toy sat up and looked at Mean as within that moment Mean realized what he had done last night. "Did we?" Mean asked as Toy nodded as he felt ashamed but somewhat happy inside. "That was my first time", Toy claimed as Mean looked surprised. "Really?" Toy nodded as Mean face palmed. "I don't know how the fuck this happened". Mean tried explaining but It wasn't like they were out drinking all night. They both had recollection of last night's event's. "All I have to say is what the hell are we going to tell people. Better yet what are we?" Toy spoke out as Mean sat up and looked Toy in the eye.

"Nothing, we will tell them nothing. As far as I'm concerned this is no one's business. It's our issue that we have to handle. We are just friends, it was a mistake". Mean said as Toy scoffed at Mean. "Are you serious?! How can you do something so extreme to play with someone's feelings. Just to say something so hurtful. You stole my first kiss you stole my innocence and this is what I get?" Toy explained as Mean rolled his eyes.

"Toy like I said it's a mistake, It was something made within the heat of the moment." Toy wanted to leave as soon as possible. He lost something that he didn't want to lose that easily. Better yet he lost it to someone who didn't even respect him. Toy was on the verge of tears, "P'Mean I seriously don't understand why you do things with me. Just to hurt me in the end, what is the point. I'm in love with you asshole". Toy had just confessed and now saying such things like that there is no going back.

Mean's eyes had widened as he snickered a bit before speaking out. "I'm not In love with you P'Mean, then confess what was the point of lying to me?" Mean had tried flipping it on Toy as if he did something wrong. "Who the hell is going to tell the person there in love with that they love them? P'Mean you caused me a lot of trouble but at the end of the day I knew where I stood. I was just the gay roommate." Toy said as tears fell from his eyes, he wiped them away quickly. "Why go through the hurt if you already have hurt me?" Toy then explained as Mean didn't know what to say he was speechless. What was Mean going to say?

"Here Is my question P', why have sex with me if your not gay or don't have any emotional connection with me?" Toy questioned as Mean sighed. "Nong you know what I have to say to that. Do whatever you want then screw." Mean explained as Toy felt another blow to the heart as he then knew where his place was. He was just there for the hookup, Mean needed someone. Toy was to naive and in love to realize Mean's intentions. Toy held the bridge of his nose with his fingers while holding his head down and thought. For what felt like a eternity.

Mean just sat up thinking about the harm he had just caused and what he had just did. But the real question that needed to be asked was whatever he did last night was just for fun, or due to the fact that he was falling hard for Toy. "Now do you understand why I try and avoid you or don't want to go to your stupid wedding?" Toy asked as he let go of his nose and looked back at Mean.

Who knew if Mean really had the answer that Toy had been searching for. Was Mean trying to hide the fact that he is gay by dating women? Or was he now in a confused state with his sexuality?

"I need you to think for a while, I'm going to go. Decide if you want to be a real man and own up to things. Or just be a typical teenage boy and hurt people by your actions". Toy stood up and started getting dressed as he was trying to hold all the anger and the pure sadness from Mean. Toy grabbed his things and v lined right to the door. Mean didn't stop him as Toy reached the other side of room 128 tears started falling as he was hurt. By the only person he loved. The person who was getting married soon. The person who made Toy so miserable at some points but they shared the good moments.

Toy started walking to the exit to get out of the dorm building. Memories came flooding back as every moment passed as Toy started driving, he had received a call which made him pull over to answer the call. Toy sniffled and cleared his throat before answering the call. "Hello?" Questioned Toy as he waited for the other person on the line to speak. "Toy how could you?!" Yelled out Heart as he was confused. "P'Heart what's going on?" Toy asked as Heart seemed sad and frustrated. "Mean is what happened! You ruined our relationship!" Heart said as Toy's eyes widened. "Me? How could I have done that?"

Asked Toy as he knew he was wrong, Mean cheated on Heart with Toy. "Go look on our schools page!" Heart said as Mean put her on speaker before opening the schools page as his heart shattered as he saw a video of him and Mean kissing. But it wasn't from any night, It was from last night. "I was trying to go see my boyfriend! Not yours!". Heart yelled as he looked at the views and comments as Toy felt so ashamed with himself. He felt gross, because someone walked in on them kissing before something really major went on. "P'Heart, I can explain! I.." Toy didn't have words to say.

He was lost for words, Toy didn't know what to say to make her "Feel better". So Toy hung up and just sat in his car for a while sobbing and realizing his mistake. Before receiving another call, he answered it. "Hello" Toy said with a weak voice due to him crying so much. "Hey hun" said Moon as Toy was happy to hear her voice and face but it made him sob even more. "Toy, don't cry you are so much stronger than that. Forget about what happened on the school page focus on my voice. Take a deep breath in and out."

Toy of course listened to his best friend and did as he was told. He took deep breaths in and out. As he slowly started calming down, "Okay now dry your tears and make a big smile". Moon ordered as Toy wiped his tears and made a half assed smile. "Smile bigger I know you can do better than that." Toy gave a large smile as Moon smiled back. "Good, now just think about positive things and nothing else besides that." Moon said.

Toy started thinking like Moon suggested he thought about his family and sister. "Perfect, now go get some food watch some movies and get your mind off this. Because Moon is going to kick some ass today. I love you have a good day". Moon explained as Toy gave her a small smile. Before Moon hung up. Moon made Toy feel alot better with just simple words to sooth him and forget about the bad things. Although he could forget about it for the moment how could he forget in the future?

When things no one could think that were imaginable were going to happen in the future.

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