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As predicted the house party was full of drunk and tipsy high schoolers.

I wonder where they get the alcohol for these things.

We were barely inside the door before someone placed a cup of beer in my hand.

I smiled politely and as soon as they turned their back I placed it on some random table beside me.

I don't take open drinks.

Next to Levi and Colson I was quite invisible. Just how I liked it but I knew it wouldn't last long.

"LJ, Colson! Come play beer pong!" Some guy yelled their way.

Levi took a look through the crowd behind him to make sure I hadn't gotten lost. I was overwhelmed and he could sense it.

To try and calm me, he took my hand, helping me move through the crowd. Colson stayed close behind us with his hand on my back. They were protecting me from the wild people around us.

When we stepped through the backdoor I expected my anxiety to ease up with the nice fresh air. However, the yard was lit with tiki torches, and the smell of people vaping and smoking weed were everywhere. I can already feel my chest tighten.

Thanks Asthma. It's like the one thing your body is supposed to do it fails at miserably.

There were people making out every turn you took. The sight of people groping each other made me want to barf. I didn't mind PDA, as long as it was PG-13 at the highest but this was flat out for Mature audiences only.

The beer pong table was in the middle of the yard and the inside chaos was nothing compared to the chaos outside.

I suddenly felt the urge to bolt.

"Hey Jacobs who's the girl?" Someone shouted our way, breaking me out of my trance.

"Guys, meet my little sister, Olivia!" Levi yanked me to his side and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

A drunk boy rounded the table and not so subtly looked me up and down.

It was predatory manor at best.

I sank into Levi's body.

"Sister? Well hello I'm—" He was cut off by someone pushing him.

Levi's jaw clenched. He was not about to let his friends look at his little sister like she was a piece of meat.

Before Levi could say anything, Colson beat him to the punch by being the one to push the creepy friend out of the way. "Don't even think about it."

"What? I'm just being polite to our new friend."

The way you say friend, I think I'll pass.

"Congratulations, you're now strangers." Levi growled at the boy.

Sober, not so sober, apparently you don't mess with Levi and Colson, seeing as he backed up so quickly he stumbled and spilled his drink.

Not that he was in need of all of its contents anyways.

Eyes were now on me and it caused me to blush. I loathe being center of attention. The girls were looking at me like I invaded their territory. Which didn't make sense because technically they were invading mine seeing how Levi was my brother.

But something tells me they could care less.

I'm told to sit in a chair close by the ping pong table by my brother and for an hour I watched how girls just drooled over him and his friends.

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