All I Do Is Win

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Yay! It's Friday! This week couldn't be any longer. My first soccer game of the season was tomorrow and I was pumped. Before I get to dominate on the field though, I first have to get through today.

Today was the first game of the season and the first pep rally. This would be the first game of Levi and Colson's that I would get to see in person in a good while. Usually Levi would just email my Dad and I his games for us to watch. I was excited for this.

The pep rally was a different story. I've never been to a pep rally before and it's a pity I couldn't continue with that streak. The pep rally was loud. We sat by grade level in the stands in the basketball gym. The drill team danced, the drum line played, and the cheerleaders cheered. The cheerleading team was actually really good, they just need to fix one thing, kick Nicole and Brittany off. They weren't bad cheerleaders, it's just, they give cheerleaders a bad name.

Colson and Levi did most of the crowd pump ups. Levi was the Captain of the Offense, and Colson was the Captain of the Defense. Their popularity was starting to annoy me. All they had to do was wave and the girls would swoon and the guys would cheer. Whatever happened to people thinking for themselves?

Levi yelled through the megaphone. "ALL I DO IS..." He put his hand to his ear towards the crowd.

The student body yelled back to him. "WIN!"

"All I DO IS..."


They went back and forth a few more times. This is not how I thought pep rallies went.

I watched as the football Coach spoke to the student body and somewhere in the middle I zoned out. Short attention span remember? Thankfully Sawyer texted me, relieving me of boredom.

Sawyer: I'm hungry

Me: Well how long do these things last?

Sawyer: Our entire 7th period

Me: Great! I have to pee!

Sawyer: I meant to tell you earlier, don't pay attention to Nicole and Brittany

Sawyer: They're the definition of bitch

Me: They didn't faze me

Sawyer: Good cause I'll cut a hoe

Me: Violent aren't we?

Sawyer: hojehfjghjawgsydfgu

Me: What the?

Sawyer: Sorry

Sawyer: I dropped my phone

Me: You should get an Otter case

Sawyer: A what?

Me: It's an extremely durable iPhone case.

Me: It's even Olivia proof

Sawyer: Haha I'll get my Mom right on that

Me: Speaking of Moms. You're riding with me and mine to the game right?

Sawyer: Yep. Just gotta run home and change

Me: Why?

Sawyer: There's no way I'm wearing this to the game

Sawyer: This is first day of school clothes

Sawyer: Not first game of the season clothes

Me: You're water bill must be so high

Sawyer: What?

Me: You know, from all of the laundry you must have to do

Sawyer: Well aren't we just the comedian

Sawyer: We might want to stop texting

Me: Why?

Sawyer: Someone's staring at you

I looked up from my phone screen and sure enough there were a pair of eyes catching my attention. A pair of pretty blue eyes. His gaze was full of admiration. I looked around to see if it was really me he was looking at. He found that funny. Tyler waved and I waved back. Levi caught the exchange, he didn't know what to make of it.

I mouthed to my brother. "What?"

He didn't say anything. He just took his middle and index finger and pointed them at his eyes and then pointed them towards me.

I get it, you're watching me. No need for the whole student body to know.

A lot of eyes looked at me after Levi did his gesture. I suppose they were wondering who the new girl was who got the popular boy's attention.

Down Tigers, Down. I'm just the sister. The sister having to suffer through her first pep rally.

Like I said before. There's no under the radar with these boys.


The game was packed and it was only 7:00, the game didn't start for another half an hour. I watched the football players warm up. They didn't seem nervous so I wasn't sure why I was nervous for them.

I forgot how lively games were. It was kind of exciting being a part of something. I was wearing jeans and a shirt that was professionally made, paid for by my Mom that had Levi's name and number on the back and Colson's name and number on the front. "We have to rep our boys!" She said. Colson's Parents had the same shirts as my Mom and me except there's were opposite, Colson's name and number on the back and Levi's on the front.

Apparently just cheering from the bleachers wasn't enough this day and age. It was nice how we were all like one big, happy, unrelated family though. Had to throw that out there or my sexual attraction to Colson would just be gross and illegal. But mainly gross.

I watched the drum line play their set. It looks like it takes so much coordination to do that. Coordination I definitely didn't have.

I looked around the stadium. This was so different than seeing it on a computer screen. Dad would have loved this.

The student section was huge. Most of them color coordinated in our school colors. White shirts at the top and red or black bottoms to match.

Everyone just looked so much in their element. It's kind of cool how people who normally wouldn't have anything in common have school spirit in common.

The Football Captains walked back from the middle of the field and Levi looked to the stands trying to find us. We were sitting where apparently our families always sat because it didn't take him long to find us.

He looked at me and pressed his index and middle finger to his lips and then held them in the air together. I returned the gesture, kissing my index and middle finger and holding them his way. It's something the two of us have done since we were little whenever we attended each other's games. It was our way of saying 'good luck'!

Right before kick off, I closed my eyes and listened to the announcer play the song, "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled.

Not this again!

The whistles blew. And off they went, playing their hearts out.

Hey Everyone! Short chapter I know but I hope you enjoyed it.

Like always, please let me know what you think.

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See you next chapter!

XoXo ~River Beane~

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