Winnie The Pooh

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I woke up this morning feeling more refreshed than I have since that night. I actually slept through the night and I was more excited than I should be about that little feat.

I guess your Brother and his best friend punching your ex boyfriend is just what someone needs to get a good night's sleep. I just hoped they wouldn't make this a habit. Violence is never the answer.

Tyler and I broke up late last night. Finally I remembered to do so. After Sean told him why Levi wanted to kill him, he called me trying to apologize but the damage had already been done. Truthfully I had mentally broken up with him a good long while ago. I just kept forgetting to do it physically.

Now that I'm finally free of him I'm actually looking forward to my little outing with the boys and Sawyer tonight. They asked if I wanted to go to the fair since we were out of school on Monday, today was technically like a Saturday. I originally wasn't going to go but I would need to face my anxiety of strange people eventually and both Levi and Colson would be there watching over me.

I was thankful they hadn't asked me to go to Trevor's party that's tonight. Maybe beating people up at a party last night took the joy out of this party. Or maybe they were just trying to stick close to me just in case I have another meltdown.

I looked at the Eiffel Tower Colson drew me. It really was a beautiful picture. One I wouldn't have gotten if I didn't spiral and punch my wall. I glanced down at my hand that Levi wrapped for me. Note to self: Do not punch walls anymore. The aftermath hurts bad.

Sawyer was coming over later to get ready for the fair with me. I missed her and her crazy self while I was out from school and practice with the quote unquote, flu.

I had a book in my hand but I wasn't really paying attention to it. My mind was all over the place. But a large body passing by my door, then backtracking to stand in my doorway caught my attention.



"Whatcha reading?"

"Strange Case of Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde."

"Odd choice."

Hey Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde is a classic.

"Are you still okay with going tonight?"

"Yes I'm good."

"Okay but just remember the second you want to leave we'll get out of there."

"I remember. You've reminded me about ten times now."

"I know. I just don't want you to feel—"

"Overwhelmed. I know. But I promise I'll be fine."

"Okay. I'm trusting you."

Levi turned to leave, reaching to close the door on his way out of my room.

"Hey Levi?" I called after him.

He stuck only his head back in the cracked door.

"I love you too."

He smiled and then closed the door completely.

My Brother is so weird. But I wouldn't trade him for anything or anyone. Well... maybe Tom Holland. Or Tom Hiddleston. Or Chris Hemsworth.

I'm just joking..... Sort of.


The moment Sawyer saw me she pulled me into the biggest bear hug.

"I MISSED YOU!!!" She yelled the words in my ear.

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