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*Colson's POV*

I've been spending time with Brittany. She's honestly just a distraction though. I wasn't sure what was going on with my feelings when it comes to Olivia and it was annoying the hell out of me.

Something's different with us and I know she feels it too. That's probably why she's entertaining Tyler's lame ass. Me and Levi are keeping a close eye on that situation. Tyler's not a bad dude but he's not right for Liv, and no it's not jealousy, he's just really lousy when it comes to relationships.

I normally enjoy football practice but today I was just plain annoyed. Tyler wouldn't stop asking me questions.

"Come on man you gotta help me." He was trying to get me to help him with Olivia. His usual ways of getting the girl wasn't working. It didn't surprise me either. Olivia's different in all the best ways possible.

"LJ's her brother, why not go to him?" I threw the ball back to one of our wide receivers.

"Because you already know that he'll cock block me?"

No shit.

"What makes you think I won't?"

I should but then I'd have to figure out what I was feeling and I know it's selfish, but I'm just not ready to.

"Why would you? Unless you like her." He sounded a little too smug. I wanted to punch his grin right off his face.

But nope. Not opening that can of worms.

I huffed out my frustration. "What do you want to know?"


This moron can't be serious. I'm not about to help him break her heart.

"Not gonna happen"

"Why not?" Tyler punted the ball out to our special teams punt returner.

"Cause I gotta protect her somehow."

He punted the ball again. "You think I'm going to hurt her?"

"I think you're full of shit. Which is why you get ten questions and ten answers. Nothing more." I barked at him. I was ready to get this conversation over.

"Come on man I need more than that, my normal tricks aren't working."

No shit! Olivia's a classic. One of the good ones. You can't just flirt with her and expect her to fall at your feet.

"That's cause you're thinking with your dick and not your head."


How is he confused by what I just said?

"Are you going to ask your ten questions or what?" I grumbled as I threw the football back to the wide receiver.

"Okay fine. When's her birthday?"

If he wants to waste questions I was all for it. Why was asking about her birthday a wasted question? Because there's no way he'd make it that far. Like I said, he's lousy with relationships.

"She turns 17 on April 25th." I answered.

"What's her favorite food?"

"Ice cream but you gotta watch cause she's lactose intolerant." I laughed recalling the time I discovered this little fact about her.

"What's that?" I shook my head. This guy's dumber than I thought. "What's her favorite movie?"

"Slumdog Millionaire. She's a sucker for that destiny shit." She's loved that movie ever since she snuck into another movie for the very first time in the theater. She was nervous the entire time but as the movie progressed the more she fell in love with their story.

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