Always Gonna Love You

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Levi walked down the stairs with a tie in his hands looking very confused as to what to do with it.

"And where are you going?" I said with a singing tune.

"I told you I had a date." He stopped at the mirror in our foyer, trying hard to figure out his tie situation.

My eyes widened. I completely forgot.

I swung my legs off of Colson's lap and hopped off of the couch in a swift motion. Once I reached my brother I turned him from the hall mirror to face me and grabbed his tie.

"So... what's her name?" I was going to make this process as embarrassing as possible.


I started the tie then motioned for him to duck his head so I could place it around his neck. "And have I ever met this Kyra?"

"No you have not." One of his eyebrows cocked up on his head.

"Hmm... sounds like I should drive you then. You know, to make sure she's not a serial killer." I was teasing him but seriously concentrating on the tie task.

"Cole, you better come get her!" Levi yelled towards our living room.

Colson laughed and got up from the couch and stood beside me. "I don't know Levi, I'm with her. Our boy can't be going out with strangers. What kind of Parents would we be?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

If we were in a cartoon you would have been able to see the smoke coming out of Levi's ears from annoyance.

"Don't you two have anything better to do?"

Colson and I looked at each other, searching our eyes for the answer. We shrugged and looked back at Levi. "Not really." We said in unison.

Levi chuckled. "You guys need a hobby."

"I have one thank you very much." Colson stated proudly.

I do not. At least I don't think I do. Does annoying people count as a hobby?

Levi's phone chimed breaking the two from their staring contest.

"Gotta go." Levi kissed the crown of my head. "Thanks for helping me with the tie."

"Have fun." I couldn't contain my smile.

I'm not sure why I was so happy. My brother goes on dates all the time. Maybe it was because he dressed up in semi business attire for this one. I can't remember him ever doing that. At least not since I've been back.

Levi jabbed Colson in his shoulder with his fist and took off out of the door.

Colson made fake crying noises as it closed behind him. "They grow up so fast."

I laughed and punched Colson in the same spot my brother did. "You Jacobs' are so violent."


Colson and I were on the couch watching a scary movie. I protested. I hated scary movies, especially at night. But he enjoyed them so I was working on trying to at least be able to watch them. He watches Romantic Comedies with me all the time. It's only fair.

A moment in the movie frightened me and caused me to jump. I spilt water all over me.

Not the best time to try and drink.

Colson laughed. I shoved him playfully.

"I'll go get you a new shirt." He kissed my forehead and ran up the stairs.

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