The sun was bright, too bright. Who in the world turned on the sun?
My head was pounding. How is this headache worse than when I got a concussion?
Remind me to never drink again.
Said everyone every time they drink.
How is my brain still snarky?
A slight knock on the door interrupted me mentally cussing myself out.
"Hey there. You alive?" The voice was whispering and I couldn't be more thankful.
Something was placed on the nightstand beside me and then it was dark. They closed the curtains.
Thank you, you beautiful soul.
The bed dipped beside me. I groaned and slowly sat up. I was then handed two aspirins and a cup of coffee.
I hate coffee. I'm more of a tea girl. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.
For the first time since waking up I looked around at my surroundings.
"How'd I get here?"
He smiled. "After the party ended I helped clean up and then brought you here."
"Are you mad?" I didn't want to look him in the eyes. I couldn't. I messed up and I knew it.
He chuckled quietly. "No Ollie, I'm not mad. Just next time you wanna get drunk, just let me know okay? If Cole hadn't caught you who knows what could've happened."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's my fault anyways. I told you that I wouldn't let you leave my sight and I let it happen. This one's on me."
He looked concerned. "What happened?"
I offered him a small smile. "People were asking too many questions. I got nervous. The drinks seemed to help."
He nodded very slowly as if still in deep thought. Levi looked at my coffee mug. "You hungry, I can make some French toast?"
"Tempting but I'll pass for now."
He chuckled. "Okay then, get some sleep."
He kissed my forehead again and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
The next few days I concentrated on soccer practice. I would need to try out for a new club team and I wasn't sure if I wanted to try out for the school's team. I don't think I'm ready to take on so much at one time, given I haven't lived here since I was little.
But then again, women's soccer was played in the Spring here instead of the Fall so I have a little time to decide.
After my breakdown the other night I was jogging more. I hate jogging unless it's on the soccer field but I needed it to clear my head.
I felt better after I cried. Even if I made a complete fool out of myself in front of Colson. There was still something that felt like it was missing, and I had the perfect plan to fix that.
I was happy to see Colson's truck at the house after my jog. Just the person I wanted to see.
"Hey Cole!" I shouted as I came inside the house.
"How was your run?" He was watching Sports Center. Didn't even bother turning his head.
"It was good. What you doing today?" I crept around the corner of the living room trying to find Levi.

Our Girl
ChickLit*Completed* (Hey Readers! Just wanted to let you know that after a year and more, I'm finally back to writing. My first project is to reedit my story 'Our Girl'.... Please stay tuned) With just one ring of her doorbell, Olivia's life got turned ups...