Gettin' Too Heavy

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Practice ended early for the football players and I was at Tyler's house watching a movie and doing psychology homework. Or at least I was before we started to make out. But things started to get a little too intense.

"What's wrong with wanting to be with my girlfriend?" He pouted.

"Nothing's wrong with it and it's nice you want to. I'm just not ready." It was true, I wasn't. I needed more time. We had only been dating two weeks. I don't know how fast he normally works but that's not who I am.

"It's just sex Liv."

"Not to me."

"It's not like it's your first time, what's the big deal?" He pleaded.

"Would it matter if I were?"


"Would it matter if I was a virgin?"

"No of course not. I'd still want to have sex with you."

"You're not getting the point." He didn't need to know that I was a virgin. It was none of his business, it wasn't anyone's business but my own. Sex was personal to me and I won't be taking it lightly.

"It's just a way to show you care for me. What's the point in being sexy if you're not going to use it?"

"What's the point in having a brain if you're not going to use it?"

-End of Flashback-


Things have been tense with Tyler lately. Ever since the Homecoming game, he has been making not so subtle hints about our intimacy. Or lack thereof I should say.

It's not that I don't want to have sex, I'm just not sure if I want to have sex with him. At least not yet.

Ah crap! I forgot if I added pepper already. This is why you shouldn't think and cook. It's dangerous.

"What are you thinking about?"

Should I tell her the truth or should I lie? I could tell her that I was thinking about school because I technically wouldn't be lying. Tyler is a part of school.

"Promise you won't freak out?"

"Oh God! You're not pregnant are you?"

Why would her mind immediately go there? It's like when you get cranky and guys immediately think you're on your period. Can't a girl just be cranky without it being their time of the month?

"No Mom, I'm not pregnant."

"Thank god! I mean don't get me wrong, I want grandkids, just not now."


"So what's wrong?" She started to stir the tomato sauce.

"Did you regret waiting until marriage to have sex?" She stopped stirring and stared at me. She wasn't blinking either. It's kind of creeping me out.

I snapped my fingers. "Mom!" I yelled, breaking her out of deep thought.

"Sorry, it's just.... when I imagined having 'the talk' with you, your Father was always there with me."

She didn't talk about my Dad much. I'm not even sure if it's because it hurts her to think about him or if she thinks it'll hurt me. So she just rarely mentions him.

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