Feels Like This

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We were late. Kind of figured we would be. Robert's cool and everything, and I was appreciative of his birthday dinner to me, but the dude eat's so slow. I'm aware that it's better for digestion but Colson's art show's tonight. He rarely lets anyone see his art so I was excited to see what he's been working on.

When we got to the studio the art exhibit was being held it was already full. I knew it would be thanks to 'Mr. I Need To Chew 30 Times Each'.

Instead of jetting off to find Colson's art, I decided to walk around and see some of the other art first. I had no idea that there were this many talented seniors in our community. The exhibit was for seniors throughout our school district. The entry was simple, your art teacher had to submit you.

I don't really understand art. Well, some art. For example, abstract art. It confuses be because there are so many different interpretations. For some reason, I always guess something way left field from what the artist was going for.

Like this piece, all I see is a bunch of different shapes, like squares and triangles, maybe an obtuse here and there. However, the piece is labeled 'Dreamer'.

"I don't see it."

"Talking to yourself again." I laughed and ducked my head down.

I've been caught.

Colson hugged me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder and looked at the artwork I was trying to figure out.

"Not your forte I'm guessing."

"No it's...... nice."

The sound of Colson's chuckle in my ear sent butterflies soaring in my stomach.

He put his hands on my waist and turned me around so that I was facing him. Colson leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.


I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hi."

"There you are Colson. Hello Olivia." I smiled and waved at Miss Jenkins, our art teacher. "May I borrow this one?" She didn't wait for an answer, she pulled Colson away as quickly as she came.

That woman moves fast.

I brought my attention back to 'Dreamer'. Perhaps if I tilt my head to the side.

Nope. I still don't get it.

Sawyer came up beside be and tilted her head the same direction as mine.

"Yeah I don't get it either."

We laughed at our horrible sense of imagination.

"Happy Birthday Liv!" She squealed and hugged me to the point I couldn't breathe.

"So... what are you and Mr. Yummy doing to celebrate? Birthday sex?"

My eyes bulged out of my head. I quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard her. Luckily no one had. That or they just pretended like they didn't.

Two women who looked to be in their 40s approached the two of us. They stared at me like they recognized me. The two women studied me like their lives depended on it.

"I didn't think you'd be a real person but you're just as beautiful in real life." One woman spoke excitedly.

Sawyer and I looked at each other like we just met the two women who were going to kidnap us and feed us to their cats.

"I'm sorry?" I asked as politely as my nerves would allow.

She and her friend looked at me confused. "You're 'The Lost Beauty' right?"

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