I managed to meet a few people through the boys but most of them were guys.
I was happy that travel soccer started up. I needed the competition. It was a great distraction from everything else. I was lucky enough to be able to play an age group up. Not that the year really made a huge difference but because of the opportunity, I met Sawyer.
She's the only other girl from my 17+ team that went to our school. Like the boys, she was a rising senior and thankfully, unlike the other girls I've met, she wasn't obsessed with the boys.
She's super funny and charismatic which compliments my introverted personality perfectly. When warranted she isn't afraid to tell people off, and thankfully, she was a lot more girly than I was.
In just a short amount of time she taught me how to properly put on makeup. A feat my Mom quickly got frustrated with. It's much harder than it looks in my defense. I didn't like wearing it. The act of having to spend time to put it on and then take it off is just too daunting to me. I'd rather use that time and sleep. But at least I now knew how to put it on without looking crazy.
My Dad would always tease me. "You need to learn how to be a girl." If only he could see me now. I even match clothes better. I mean, there's a reason that I wear mostly jeans. They go with just about everything.
If I could compare my style to anyone on tv, it would probably be Hayley Marshall from 'The Originals'. Comfortable but always ready to kick ass if need be. Of course I'm not having to fight supernatural beings on a daily basis but I'm quickly learning that girls here can be vicious.
I really still don't see what their problem is either. Yes, I've been the talk of their social network since my arrival but for the most part the ones giving me major trouble are the ones who like Levi and Colson. Seeing how I'm Levi's Sister and Colson's best girl friend, you'd figure they'd be nicer to me in order to get to them. So either they're just not that smart or they're just too bitchy to care. My money's on both.
Today was Friday, both football and soccer got out early due to a brewing thunderstorm. I was thankful. Nothings worse than playing soccer in the rain or in freezing temperatures. The rain for obvious reasons but the freezing temperatures for a major reason most people don't think of unless they played soccer themselves. Whenever the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, every time the ball comes in contact with your skin, especially your thighs, it feels like a thousand knives stabbing you at once. I'm shivering just at the thought. But as they say, no pain, no gain.
Sawyer and I got home first. We took showers and ate snacks before the boys could clean the fridge. Now we were just minding our own business watching tv in the living room. I feel like I'm always watching tv in the living room, but the seats are just so comfortable.
"What are you guys watching?" Levi came in and placed his bag in the foyer. I stopped him before he could set foot in the living room.
"Shoes dude. Mom won't be happy if you track mud through the house."
"Nice catch." He ditched his shoes and then ran up the stairs.
What? No thank you? Kids these days.
I heard the shower water start to run. Thank goodness for cleanliness.
Levi came into the living room and snuggled his way between Sawyer and I. "Um. Excuse you, we were sharing that popcorn." I tried to shove him out of the way but lets face it, all of that muscle wasn't going anywhere.
"I'm aware. Why do you think I chose this spot?" He turned and smiled at Sawyer causing her to blush. I glared at her. She was feeding into his already too big ego.

Our Girl
ChickLit*Completed* (Hey Readers! Just wanted to let you know that after a year and more, I'm finally back to writing. My first project is to reedit my story 'Our Girl'.... Please stay tuned) With just one ring of her doorbell, Olivia's life got turned ups...