Christmas is only a week away and I've barely celebrated the holiday. I love Christmas. Everything about it. The Christmas Spirit. The freshly baked goods. The decorations. The music. The hot chocolate. And the Christmas Hallmark movies. They're so hopeful about love and Christmas miracles. It's hard to not watch one after the other.
This year I have 7 gifts to get. Their's Cary and Charlie. My Mom and Levi. Colson and Sawyer. And my ex-Stepmom. We've talked on the phone about once every two weeks and she seems to be doing well. It's all I could hope for. After my Father's death she decided to stay in Italy and not return to the states.
I have no idea what to get anyone and my Mom only gave me so much allowance to work with.
The guys thought that I should get out of the house and Sawyer jumped at the chance to drag me Christmas Shopping.
That girl loves to shop.
"Okay what about this?" She held up the most vibrant and ugly shirt I have ever seen.
I winced at the shirt as if the mere sight of it caused me pain. "Levi and Cole would never wear that. Heck, I would never let them wear that."
She threw the shirt back on the rack. "Well what are we supposed to get them then?"
"You know, you don't have to get them anything."
"I know but their names are on my list and once you're written in pen, you're not coming off."
I laughed. "You could always make a new list."
She shrugged and looked at another shirt. "Nah. Too lazy."
"I thought that was you." The low, deep voice caught me by surprise and a small yelp escaped my lips.
The owner of the voice laughed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's cool." I placed my hand over my chest trying to will my heart rate to calm back down.
Sawyer coughed in order to make her presence known. "Hello Stalker."
He ignored her nickname and nodded at her. "Sawyer."
"What are you doing here?"
"Christmas shopping. What about you guys?"
"Us too but this store isn't going to cut it so we'll just leave now." Before he could get another word out, Sawyer pulled me far and fast away from Tyler.
He always shows up when I'm trying to have a good time. It's like he has an Olivia mood reader app on his phone.
"No problem." Sawyer stopped walking and pulled me into another menswear store.
She should really just give this up already.
Sawyer kept showing me outfit after outfit but to be honest, I tuned out after the first one.
My attention was on a mannequin that someone had undressed and put women's clothes on. The store workers had yet to notice.
I was deep in thought, ignoring Sawyer when I felt the heat of someone's breath on my ear. "It's not polite to stare."
I jumped up, smacking the bottom of his jaw with my shoulder.
"You made me bite my tongue." I had a general idea of what he was saying, regardless of it not being very audible. He held his tongue up to a mirror.

Our Girl
ChickLit*Completed* (Hey Readers! Just wanted to let you know that after a year and more, I'm finally back to writing. My first project is to reedit my story 'Our Girl'.... Please stay tuned) With just one ring of her doorbell, Olivia's life got turned ups...