We're going to...Gravity Falls??(Danny)

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"Alright Danny it's time to pick where we're going for the summer." Jaz called from downstairs. "Ugh, everytime we do this we always go where you want to go.'' I accuse. ''Ah c'mon Danny we don't always go where I want every summer. Like last summer we went to..oh wait we went where I wanted to that time. Uh..oo how about three summers a-'' ''We went to your science boot camp, which I repeat makes no sense whatsoever to me!" I interupt. "Okay, so maybe we do go most of the time to where I want but you still have to come and help us choose!" Jaz said impatience clear on her face.''Fine,'' I groan,''I'm coming down,but don't think for ONE second that if we have to go where you want that I will come with.'' I tell her.''Okay,okay just get down here!'' The only reason I ever agree to come with is cause it's easier to hide I'm half ghost when most ghosts don't know where I am so they don't cause trouble. Since Jaz already knows she has to help cover for me so our parents don't find out. A/N This is set a little after season 1 and a little before season 2. So his parents don't know yet. Kk? K. Bye! ''okay we have three choices. Mom wants to go to the Goode Lagoon, Dad wants to go to Ghosts,ghosts and How to Catch Them boot camp, and I want to go to Ms. Claire's Ballet For Boys and Girls camp.'' ''Wait, there's a camp for ballet?! And what's at Goode Lagoon? For dad's I don't even have to ask, but why in the world would anyone want to go to a ballet camp?!?!?''' ''Danny I want to go to Goode Lagoon because they say it's haunted.'' Mom told me. ''Oh, well that explains why you want to go there,'' I say, still mad,''but that doesn't explain why Jaz would want to go to a ballet camp!'' ''He's got you there,Maddie.'' my dad says to mom,''And to be honest, I don't get it either!'' ''Of course you wouldn't get it, Dad. The reason why I want us to go to a ballet camp is to have fun without having to worry about ghosts and pollution and all the other problems of the world.'' Jaz says glancing at me when she talks about not worrying about ghosts. When I'm about to say something witty a newspaper catches my eye. "Want a mystery-filled summer?,'' I read as I pick the paper up,'' Want to go ghost-hunting?'' ''YES!", my parents yell together.''Then come to Gravity Falls. Where weird things are normal and normal things are weird! At Gravity Falls strange things have happened across the years and still do today! Ghosts, zombie, and demon-sightings have been reported every day! So come all ghost hunters, zombie chasers, and all you other super-natural chasers today!" I looked up as I finished reading and saw that my parents were running around packing while my sister just looked shocked that we were going exactly in the opposite direction she wanted us in. I grinned and said,''Looks like we're going where I want to go this time Jaz. Better luck next summer!'' She glared.

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