Chapter 6: After the Prison Break

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Once in the forest, Tinkerbell removes her and Killian's glamour spells but leaves Regina's in place. The three make their way back to the village and head to the docked Jolly Roger. The three head to Killian's quarters to talk.

"Okay so now that you've broken me out, care to tell me why?" Regina asks.

"We need your help to figure out what Cora is up to and what her game plan is for Killian," Tinkerbell says.

"What has my mother done now?"

"From what we've been able to figure out she used poppy seed dust on myself and my entire crew but it had an interesting effect on us. It made my crew forget everything about last night and has either made me only remember certain events and forget others entirely or has given me completely false memories of last night," Killian explained.

"Interesting. Any way to verify if what you do remember is accurate?" Regina asked.

"No," he said.

Tinkerbell said, "Yes there is. You sent Mr. Smee to get the supplies this morning. You had said you thought you had arranged for them and paid for them last night before going to the pub. Mr. Smee will be able to tell us if that actually happened."

Killian stalked over to the door and yanked it open yelling for Mr. Smee, "Smee get down here right now!"

Smee came running down to his captain. "Yes Captain?"

"When you went for supplies this morning, had I arranged and paid for them last night or did you have to take care of it this morning?" Killian asked his first mate.

"You had taken care of it last night sir," Smee reported.

"Okay thank you. That clears up some confusion from last night. You may go Smee," Killian told him.

He closed the door and turned back to the women saying, "Well at least we know that actually occurred."

"So what did you do after arranging for the supplies?" Regina asked.

"My plan was to go to the pub for dinner and a pint or two, but I don't remember if I got there. The next thing I clearly remember is being woken up on the beach this morning by the lovely Tinkerbell."

"Well I've never heard of poppy seed dust having the capability of making someone forget. It's only supposed to make a person or people in this case fall asleep. But if my mother's involved, anything's possible. Why do you think Cora is involved?" Regina said.

"She's the only witch I've wronged in the past. I double-crossed her 5 years ago and she vowed to get revenge," Killian told her.

"My mother does know how to hold a grudge. How exactly did you wrong her?"

Killian rubbed his beard, hesitant to say what he had done in front of Tinkerbell, as it didn't paint him in the best light. He wanted to impress Tinkerbell and get her to like him, not hate him.

Tinkerbell, seeing he was hesitant to tell them, said "What you've done in the past, good, bad, or otherwise, makes no difference to me. All of our experiences make us who we are today. We learn from them, we grow from them, they shape us into who we've become. So please tell us what happened with Cora 5 years ago. It's the only way we have of trying to figure out.what she's up to now."

"It would be easier to show you," he said. He picks up a dreamcatcher and asks Regina if she can use this to pull the memory from him so that they can see exactly what happened. She says she can.

Regina takes the dreamcatcher from Killian and says a few words over it and then holds it up to Killian's face. She tells him, "Now think of the entire event and close your eyes." He does as she asks. When it's done, he opens his eyes.

Regina then waves her hand over the dreamcatcher and the memory leaps to life in the room, playing out the events that had occurred. Killian doesn't watch the events, he watches Tinkerbell's reaction to them, praying she understands that he is not that man anymore.

As Tinkerbell watches the events unfold, she feels conflicted about her feelings for Killian. She knows he's not the man in the memory anymore, but it's hard to see him like this--the way he is in the memory. He's hard and ruthless, uncaring as to who he hurts to get what he wants. It hurts to see him like he was. But while watching the memory, she realizes that somehow in the few hours she's known him, she's fallen in love with him--breaking the biggest rule of fairies.

The memory fades to black when its over. Tinkerbell asks Regina to leave them alone for a moment. Once Regina leaves, Killian tries to explain, "I'm not that man anymore. I hope you know that."

She says, "I know that," crossing over to him. She kisses him gently at first, unsure of how to do this, as she's never kissed anyone before. Killian sensing that she's unsure of how to kiss, places his arms around her, pulling her closer and takes the lead in their first kiss, her first kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck. Tinkerbell sighs, opening her mouth a little, Killian takes advantage and deepens their kiss. They kiss for what seems like hours, but is really only a few minutes. Killian pulls away first. Tinkerbell tries to pull him back, but he doesn't let her.

"We will have plenty of time to do more of that and so much more in the future, love. But first we must deal with Cora," he tells her.

She pouts a little but he's right. She steps out of his arms and opens the door and tells Regina she can come back in now so they can plan what to do next.

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