Chapter 35: Progress, Romance, and Trouble

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Meanwhile at Henry's apartment, there's a knock on the door. Henry answers it and is surprised to see who's on the other side.

Henry chuckles as he opens the door and says, "Detective Weaver. Are you here to give me another black eye? Maybe the left one this time?"

Weaver says, trying for contrite, "I apologize for our first meeting. Since then, I have made significant changes to my life."

"Whatever you want, make it quick. I've got a plane to catch," Henry says, moving away from the door and to his duffle bag, which he's in the process of packing.

"I want to take a problem off the streets, and I can't do that without your help. I assume you've heard of the Candy Killer?" Weaver asks.

"Rogers told me a little bit. Sounds super-creepy, and I definitely can't help you with it," Henry states.

"Well, actually, you're the only one who can. It turns out this killer is a huge fan of your work. We found this," holding up a copy of Henry's book, "at the crime scene," Weaver informs him.

Henry sighs and leaves the apartment with Weaver, grabbing his bags on the way out.

Henry and Weaver arrive at the station and Weaver leads Henry to the evidence room and lets them inside.

"Well, this place is appropriately creepy. Let's just make this quick, okay? I'm trying to catch a plane," Henry says, sitting down at the table.

"And I'm trying to catch a killer. I believe that takes precedence," Weaver says, growing impatient with Henry.

"This is life or death. I get it. Okay. It's just that this is really bad timing. I got an interview in New York tomorrow," Henry says, sighing.

"New York? Well, that's a long way from home. Bit of a change," Weaver says, surprised.

"Yeah, the thing is, I'm here to talk about the case, not my life choices, thanks very much. Now tell me what I do with this," Henry says, gesturing to the book.

"Okay, you need to find out what the killer saw in your stories because, clearly, they think they saw something real and true. Look deep inside them, and tell me where the truth lies," weaver instructs him. Henry sighs and opens the book and begins to read through it.

A while later, Henry smacks the book closed and states, angrily, "I can't do this. You know why I wrote this book in the first place? Because I thought that these stories would give people hope. And now, some psychopath is using it as a reason to kill people?"

Weaver sighs and says, "Not if you stop them."

Henry raises his voice and practically shouts, "Stop putting that on me, okay? I don't... I don't have any answers. I don't have the secret codes to these stories because it turns out, I don't even understand them." He gets up from his chair and grabs his bag and begins to walk out.

Weaver yells, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Henry sighs, "I'm getting on a plane. You're right. New York is a long way from home. And you know what? That's probably a good thing because nothing here really worked out so great."

"And yet, we both know you're not really walking out that door. Not if you're anything like the Henry Mills in that book, you're not," Weaver says, challenging him.

"You read the book?" Henry asks, shocked.

"Yes, I did. And I wouldn't dismiss those stories just yet. You see, even though you can't admit it, I think you're quite a lot like your namesake. He was my favorite character," Weaver tells him.

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