Chapter 14: Where's Tinkerbell?

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Killian awoke the next morning well after sunrise. He reached for Tinkerbell but all he felt was a cold side of the bed. He sat up and looked around the cabin. The candle was completely melted and extinguished on the table. The porthole was still partially opened. There was no sign of her. He quickly dressed and reattached his hook. He knocked on the door to Regina's cabin, hoping Tinkerbell was in there. Regina (in her handmaid glamour) answered the door.

Killian asked, "Is Tinkerbell in here with you? She didn't come back last night or this morning."

"No she's not," Regina told him, letting him into the room. "When did she say she'd be back and where was she going?"

"She said she had a few fairy duties to attend to and would be back in a few hours, by sunrise at the latest. It's well past sunrise. The porthole is still open like I left it last night and the candle I had left lit is completely melted on the table," he told her. "I'm worried."

"Maybe she's just running late cause whatever she had to do took longer than she expected," Regina suggested. "Don't assume the worst. Check with your crew - maybe she left a message for you or they've seen her."

"Alright. Come with me to question the crew," he said.

"Of course."

They left the cabin and went up on deck. Killian yelled for Mr. Smee. Smee came running over to his captain.

"Yes sir?" Smee asked.

"Have you seen Tinkerbell this morning or has she left a message for me with you?" Hook asked.

"No sir I haven't seen her and I have received no messages," Smee told his captain.

"Dammit! What about the others?" Hook asked him.

"Not that I'm aware of, Captain. I'm sorry," Smee answered.

Hook turned to Regina and said, "Go ask the crew that are working below while I ask the ones up here." She nodded and went back below deck. Hook began questioning his crew up on deck, growing more and more anxious and worried as each of them in turn told him the same thing Smee had told him - they haven't seen her and have received no messages either.

He turned to go find out if Regina had any news. She came up on deck just as he reached the stairs.

"Well?" Hook asked her hopeful.

"No one's seen her or received a message either," she told him dejectedly.

Hook yelled "BLOODY HELL!" and punched his hook through the wall.

After pulling his hook out of the hole he had created, he yelled for Smee, "Smee get someone to fix this now!"

"Aye aye Captain," he said and ran off to make it happen.

Regina gently placed her hand on Hook's shoulder to calm him down but he shrugged off her touch. She said calmly, "I know you're worried. I am too. But yelling, swearing, and hitting things isn't going to get us any answers. I have an idea on how to find her but I'm going to need something of hers or something she's touched a fair bit to get a connection to locate her."

"I don't think she's left any clothes here but would a piece of pillowcase work?" Killian asked her.

"Yes that will do," she said. They went down below to his quarters. Killian was hopefully that Tinkerbell had returned while they had been up on deck...she had not.

He grabbed the pillow Tinkerbell had used while she slept and cut off a piece of the pillowcase with his dagger. He handed the piece to Regina. She walked over to the table and asked if he had another candle. Killian walked over to the cabinet and opened a drawer and pulled out a new candle. He handed her that as well.

Regina lit the candle and held it over the piece of cloth and recited a locator spell. The cloth glowed and floated out of Regina's hand. It started to float towards the open porthole.

"Close that quick! I've got to do this a bit of a different way seeing as neither of us is fitting through that opening and we're not capable of flying," Regina ordered Killian. He did as told.

Regina grabbed a hold of the cloth in one hand and blew out the candle she had in her other hand. After setting the candle down, she took hold of Killian's hand and waved her hand holding the cloth, transporting them to the last spot Tinkerbell could be sensed using the locator spell.

They stood under a tower in a clearing. There was no one there at all. No Tinkerbell to be found.

"Where is she, Regina?" Killian asked. "This was supposed to locate her."

"It located the last place she was in the Enchanted Forest. She's not here anymore. Unless she's being concealed with magic, she isn't here," Regina told him.

But she was there. She was trapped in the tower and yelling at the top of her lungs and pounding on the window sill for Killian and Regina to look up. They couldn't hear her. She sat down on the floor and cried softly. She couldn't even use her fairy magic to get herself out of there, as her captor had put a cuff on her wrist that stopped her magic. And to top it off, she didn't even know why her captor had taken her.

At the base of the tower, Killian and Regina sat down to try and figure out who had Tinkerbell and why and where. But there were too many options as to the who and where. The why was a complete mystery. Tinkerbell was a good fairy who helped people find their happy endings. She didn't hurt anyone.

"Should we try and contact the blue fairy?" Killian asked.

"Not unless you want her to find out about Tinkerbell and yours relationship. As long as Blue doesn't know, Tink still has her wings and her magic - which means she has a fighting chance to defend herself against whomever took her. Once Blue knows about the two of you, Tinkerbell will be stripped of her wings and magic and possibly exiled someplace where you'll never find her and she'll never be able to escape from. So how about we avoid that option as long as possible," Regina explained to him.

"How do you know that's what will happen if Blue finds out about us?" he asked her.

"Because I've seen it happen before. Different major rule was broken but the result was the same," Regina said.

"I'd go to the end of the world to find her. I will never give up on her, on us," Killian said.

"Good to hear. Now how about we look around here for some clues - see if we can't figure out at the very least who took her?" Regina suggested.

"Aye. Let's start with seeing if we can find a way into this tower," Killian responded standing up.

Hook and Tinkerbell: A Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now