Chapter 21: The Search Begins

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Wish Realm Enchanted Forest

Once Killian had managed to calm himself down from losing Tinkerbell, he began the walk back to the cave where they had hidden from Blue. On the way he thought about the short time he had spent with Tinkerbell and how much he loved her. He couldn't believe he had fallen so hard so fast - it was so not like him - he was a 'love 'em and leave 'em type of man.' His longest relationship in the past was with Milah and it took him a long time to fall in love with her - well maybe he hadn't truly loved her. He didn't recall ever feeling like he does for Tinkerbell when he was with Milah. Yes he would have died for Milah if need be, but that was because he had honor - even as a pirate. But he realized that if she had disappeared, he would not have gone to the end of the word to find her, as he will to find Tinkerbell. By this point he had reached the cave, so he quickly gathered his and Tinkerbell's belongings. He then high-tailed it to Regina's house, hoping that she might possibly still be there and not in a prison cell. If she wasn't there, he hoped to find some magic that he could use to find Tinkerbell.

As he approached Regina's house, he could see that no one was home, as there was no smoke billowing out of the chimney. He cautiously walked to the door, looking all around him as he went. He reached the door without incident and entered the house. There were signs of a struggle indicating that Regina had not gone willingly with the Royal Guards. He cursed to himself. As much as he knew he could use Regina's actual help, a jail break was not an option this time.

He began to search the house for something - anything - to help him find Tinkerbell. Eventually he found a letter written to him from Regina. It said,


If you are reading this, then I assume the thing we feared most has come true - that Tinkerbell has lost her wings and magic and has been exiled by Blue. I'm also assuming you're reading this because I was captured by the Royal Guards and am now sitting in a prison cell to never see the light of day again.

I know you are searching my home for something - anything - that will help you find your love, but alas, you will find nothing that will help. When Blue exiled Tinkerbell, she hid her magical trail with a powerful magic that not even I can trace. The only hope I can give you is that what you and Tinkerbell share is TRUE LOVE and true love always wins. I know this because I have been defeated by true love one too many times to not believe that to be the case anymore.

Never stop searching for her - not for a minute. I know that someday you will be reunited - hopefully sooner rather than later. Believe that you have it in you to find her. Believe in your love for one another.

Your Friend Always,


Killian read the letter several times. He had hoped beyond hope that Regina would have some magic to help him. To say he was disappointed to find she had none would be an understatement. But he remembered what Blue had said to him before she left. She had said that he and Tinkerbell would be reunited someday - just maybe not in this realm. He had to have faith in that and believe in his and Tinkerbell's love. He took the letter and left the house and headed back to the Jolly Roger. He and his crew had a new mission - to find Tinkerbell!

- Four Years Later Aboard the Jolly Roger -

Killian yells and rattles the pots, "Get up, you filthy bilge rats! Playtime's over. I need the Jolly Roger in ship-shape before we set sail. You have an hour."

Smee replied, "Aye, Capt'n. But you haven't even told us where we're going yet."

"We are going to a land without magic, Mr. Smee. And once the Evil Queen casts her curse, I will finally find my Tinkerbell," Killian informed him.

The Evil Queen steps aboard the Jolly Roger and says, "Actually, you won't be going anywhere. And neither will I."

"Your Majesty, shouldn't you be casting your curse?" Killian asks.

"Well, I would be. If that insipid Snow White and her Charm-less Prince hadn't stopped me," the Evil Queen said.

Killian asked, shocked, "How the bloody hell did they do that?"

The Evil Queen answered, "They stole my magic," raising her wrist to show him the magic cuff.

Smee, surprised, said, "Snow White defeated the Evil Queen? I did not see that coming."

The Evil Queen grunts and whimpers in pain as she attempts to break free of the magic cuff on her wrist.

Killian says to her, "That looks frustrating. Hang on. If your curse isn't cast... then my chance at finding Tinkerbell is lost, as well."

The Evil Queen says, "Perhaps. As it happens, I need a ship to take me away from this wretched land before they find me. That's why I brought along this... Payment for passage on your ship. It's a map to a tower in a distant realm. It holds magic strong enough to aid you in finding your love."

"All magic comes with a price. So, what is it?" Killian asks skeptically.

The Evil Queen tells him, "The tower's guarded by an evil witch. And without my powers, you're on your own. we have a deal?"

Kilian replies, "If she has what you say she does, then of course we do."

Killian turns to Smee and instructs him to gather supplies for the two of them so that they can search for the tower. Smee hurries off to do as he was told. Killian gestures for the Evil Queen to follow him below deck so they can talk privately.

Once in his quarters, he turns to Regina and gives her a hug, saying, "I'm glad to see you're no longer rotting away in a prison cell. Even if you do no longer have your magic."

"Yes well seeing the sun again is nice. But you're right not having my magic sucks. I take it you haven't had any luck in finding her in the last four years?" Regina asked.

"No, I have not. I don't think I've ever been further from finding her than I am right now. I have searched every realm that I can sail to or use a magic bean to get to and in every single one I've found nothing. NOTHING!" Killian said slamming his fist down on the table. "The Land Without Magic is the only place I can not reach using a magic bean or my ship. That's where I will find her."

"But when I cast the curse to take us all there, you won't remember her, Killian," Regina said softly.

"I just have to trust and believe in our true love and that we will find each other no matter what," he said.

There was a knock on the door. Killian answered it to find Smee standing there.

"I have our supplies ready, Captain," Smee told him. Killian nodded and told him he would be up in a minute. Smee went topside and Killian turned to Regina to say goodbye.

"It's not goodbye. It's see you soon. You'll find us what we need so we can find Tinkerbell," Regina tol him.

"Aye I will," he said and left.

Hook and Tinkerbell: A Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now