Chapter 32: A Suspect...Maybe

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At the hospital, the three detectives approach the baker's room. They see signs of a struggle outside her room and they draw their guns. Rogers presses the emergency button and the alarm blares out loudly. They enter the room and see the baker on the floor in a pool of blood. Tilly pops up from behind a bed, holding a scalpel in her hand. Tilly gasps, looking at the baker's body like she was seeing it for the first time.

Rogers says calmly, "Tilly. What are you doing here?"

Tilly, confused, says, "I-I don't know. I, uh... I had to be here, but, ugh, I don't want to be. I-I want to be somewhere else. Somewhere nice."

Weaver, trying to reason with her, says, "Tilly, put the scalpel down."

Tilly, agitated, tells them, "No. No, really, you're too late. I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen. You didn't pay attention to the thing that matters most, and that's when people get hurt!"

"I'm sorry, Tilly. I should have paid more attention. Just... Just tell me what happened. We can help you," Rogers says, putting away his gun.

Tilly yells, "No. You're too late. Don't you understand? I told you something bad would happen today! And neither of you listened," The scalpel clatters as she drops it on the floor and she moves towards the window. "And now you're both too late."

Weaver shouts, "Tilly! - Don't

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Weaver shouts, "Tilly! - Don't..." Tilly jumps out the hospital window, lands on a lower roof, jumps off the roof into the alley and combat rolls to a standing position. She looks up at Rogers and Weaver in the window, turns and runs away. "Tilly!" Weaver calls after her.

Weaver and Rogers look at Jade, realizing that the only chance they have of catching up to Tilly is if Jade jumps out the window as well.

Jade sighs realizing the same thing, and informs her partners, "You're both gonna owe me big time," and jumps out of the window after her and begins to chase after her.

Jade reaches an intersection and looks around in all directions, not seeing Tilly. She does see a young blonde homeless girl sitting on a bench. She asks the girl if she's seen someone matching Tilly's description run by. The girl, Lily, points to the right. Jade runs off in the direction indicated, not knowing that Lily had lied to her. She runs a few more blocks, not spying Tilly. She stops and catches her breath. Her phone rings.

"Hello?" she says, answering Rogers' call.

"Did you catch up to her?" he asks her.

"No, I lost her. She's fast and has an advantage since she lives on the streets," she tells him, still trying to catch her breath.

"Dammit. Where are you?" he asks. She relays her location to him. He tells her they'll be right there to pick her up.

Jade hangs up and goes into the corner store to grab a bottle of water as she waits for Weaver and Rogers. As she walks out, she notices the setting sun and pauses to watch it - the beauty of its simplicity. Then Rogers' car pulls up and she climbs in. He drives off towards the docks and Tilly's home.

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