Chapter 29: Neighbors, Friends, and More Than Friends...Maybe

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A/N: Sorry in advance for the insanely long chapter. 

Hyperion Heights

Saturday morning Jade woke up in her new apartment and stretched her sore back out. Between all the packing, moving, and unpacking she had done in the last two weeks, her back was killing her. She'd love to go and get a massage but she was very self-conscious of the scars on her back and didn't like having to explain them, so she stretched out as best as she could on her own. She got up and showered and dressed for a day of reacquainting herself with the Heights. She decided she'd get coffee at the coffee shop down the street and just walk around to check things out. She grabbed her keys and cell and headed out the door. As she reached the front door of the apartment building, it opened from the outside and a man entered almost knocking into Jade as he juggled his grocery bags and his keys into his one good hand.

"Oh I'm sorry luv didn't see you there," the man said.

"No it's my fault. In too much of a hurry to get some coffee," Jade said.

"You just move in?" he asked.

"Yeah on Thursday, Rogers," she said.

He did a double-take and said, "Wilde? What in the bloody hell are you doing back in the Heights?"

Jade chuckled and said, "You know I'm really tired of everyone asking that. Can't a woman move back home if she wants to?"

"No, sorry, of course you can. I'm just shocked that's all. Guess you're the new detective starting on Monday?" Rogers asked.

"You'd be correct. I'm guessing you live in the other apartment?" Jade asked.

"You would also be correct. So, neighbor, what are your plans for the day?" he asked.

"First stop coffee. My coffee maker broke during the move. Then, I'm just gonna walk around and refamiliarize myself with the Heights. Probably winding up at Roni's for a drink eventually. You?" Jade said.

"Well after I get these groceries put away, would you like a tour guide?" Rogers asked.

"Sure why not. Would you like a han--some help getting those into your apartment," she stammered.

He chuckled at her stammering about his hand, "That would be great." She took a couple of the bags from him and they went back up the stairs to his apartment. He unlocked the door and they entered. His apartment was laid out exactly like hers just in reverse. She followed him to the kitchen and they put away the groceries.

Once they were done, Rogers turned to her and said, "I believe you said something about coffee. Shall we go?"

Jade nodded, even though all she really wanted to do was to kiss him and make love to him until he remembered who they really were. She thought to herself "This is even harder than I thought it would be. And damn he looks so damn hot."

They left and walked to the coffee shop. After getting their coffees, they walked around the Heights, talking and catching up. They wound up down along the waterfront looking for a place to grab lunch, when they ran into Weaver and a young blond woman.

Rogers introduced Jade to the young woman saying, "Jade, this is Tilly, a friend of mine and Weaver's. Tilly, this is Detective Jade Wilde. She just moved back to the Heights."

Tilly said, with a smile, "Well any friend of Rogers is a friend of mine. Nice to meet you, Jade Wilde."

"Please call me Jade and it's nice to meet you too, Tilly. Weaver, good to see you as well," Jade said with a smile.

Weaver nodded and said, "Wilde, can we talk for a minute?"

Rogers looked at Tilly and asked, "Quick chess match?" Tilly nodded and the two of them walked over to a bench and sat down and began to play.

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