Chapter 36: A Killer's Motive Revealed and An Arrest

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At Nick's apartment the next morning, Henry groans and exhales sharply as he comes to as whatever Nick had injected him with wears off. He's sitting on the floor tied to a metal support beam.

He says, "Nick?" He exhales sharply again. "Nick?" He grunts as he struggles against his bindings and sighs, "Hansel?"

"Hmm. It really is a pretty sound. I haven't heard my real name in a very long time. Chocolate?" he asks as he eats a chocolate marzipan truffle.

"Wha... hey, what... What are you gonna do to me?" Henry asks, extremely worried.

"Undetermined," Nick/Hansel says.

"Well, hey, it's not too late to turn yourself in. Just, uh... we'll just tell him you're Hansel. They'll think you're crazy, but that could be a good thing... for you," Henry suggests hopefully.

Nick/Hansel sniffs and says, "Yeah. There's just one problem. In that scenario, I don't get to keep killing." He crouches down to be eye level with Henry and says, "And I'm not done killing."

Meanwhile across town, Colin is trailing kisses along Jade's scarred back in an attempt to gently wake her up. She swats at his arm in an attempt to get him to stop.

"Ow," he says, pretending she hurt him. "Just trying to wake you nicely my gorgeous fiancee," he says to her.

"Try coffee. It works better, especially when I have a hangover, my handsome fiance," she says grumpily.

"I'm sorry, love. I'll go make coffee now," he tells her. He gets up and walks out of the bedroom naked to make coffee. "Need any aspirin or water?"

"Yes both please," she says, groaning a little as she rolls over and tries to sit up. She quickly changes her mind and lies back down.

A moment later, Colin returns with a bottle of water and the aspirin. He gives both to Jade, saying, "Coffee will be ready in a few."

Jade slowly sits up and nods as she takes two of the aspirin and takes a long drink of water. She holds her head in her hand and says, "Ugh no more karaoke for a while. My head can't handle the hangover from the rum anymore. Must be old age finally catching up with me."

"Yeah well old age looks damn fine on you love," he says, brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Hey what do you know, hungover you doesn't blush when paid a compliment," he says chuckling softly.

"Coffee now please," she says, ignoring his compliment and teasing.

He laughs at her grumpiness and replies, "As you wish, love." He gets up and goes to get them both coffee.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Jade feels half-way human again. She gets up out of bed and walks naked to the bathroom to get a shower. She looks over her shoulder to find him watching her and smiles. "Come wash my back for me," she says softly. He jumps up from the bed and crosses to her in about three steps and picks her up and carries her into the bathroom, "Absolutely," he says and she laughs.

After a steamy and intimate shower, they get dressed for work and each grab another cup of coffee for the road. Colin heads to the station to see what has come in overnight on the case and on their prime suspect, while Jade heads to the hospital to see Lily and hopefully talk to her without the social worker around about Lily's past.

Back at Nick's/Hansel's apartment, Nick/Hansel is busy texting on Henry's cell phone.

Nick/Hansel, breathing heavily, says, "Winky face. Nice. You know, even in the curse, Ella still digs you."

Henry, also breathing heavily, pleads, "Please, do not hurt her. Or me. We can figure this all out. I-I'm sorry I got your story wrong... Hansel?"

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