Chapter 24: A Traumatic Experience

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A/N: The end of this chapter deals with a subject matter that may not be suitable or tasteful for some readers. Please proceed with caution. 

- Eleven Years Later -

Tinkerbell woke up in her tree house, in pain yet again. This time from receiving a beating from Pan for refusing to follow his orders and kill the trespassers who were trying to steal from him. She was sadly used to the beatings by now, as they were almost a daily occurrence, even when she did obey Pan's orders. If it wasn't Pan doing the beating, it was Felix or one of the older Lost Boys - on Pan's orders. No one did anything that wasn't on his orders.

Today marked 15 years that she had been stuck in Neverland. Since her first attempt at escape, she had not tried again. She was afraid that Pan would kill her if she tried and failed again. As much as she wanted to leave Neverland and be with Killian again, she knew that the only way she would be with him again would be when he found her or Pan died - whichever came first. And seeing as Pan hadn't aged because of a deal he made with the spirits of the island, he wasn't going to die anytime soon. So as she did every morning and every night, she prayed that today would be the day that Killian would rescue her.

She then got up and slowly got ready for the day - moving slowly from the pain she was in. Once she was ready, she left her tree house and went to get some breakfast. As she ate, Pan watched her - watched her in a way he never had before. He was creeping her out more than usual. While watching him out of the corner of her eye, she tried to place the look in Pan's eyes. Finally it dawned on her - it was the same look she would see on men at the tavern when they were lusting after the serving wenches who were trying to do their jobs and avoid the mens' advances and wandering hands. She had wondered off and on over the years when this moment would come - the moment that Pan would attack her and not with his fists. She cringed inwardly, knowing that today's attack would be very different from all the previous attacks. She tried to take as long as possible to eat so she could stall the inevitable.

Pan got tired of waiting for Tinkerbell to get done eating and got up and crossed over to her. He grabbed her plate from in front of her and threw it to the ground. Then he picked her up by the back of her neck and dragged her to his tree house. She knew better than to fight him - fighting back always made things worse. He forced her to climb the ladder, keeping a hand on her ankle so she couldn't get away from him, as they both climbed.

Once they were off the ladder, Pan picked Tinkerbell up and threw her on the bed. He grabbed some rope and tied her hands to the bed posts. He picked up a cloth and looked at Tinkerbell. "You're not going to scream are you, Tink? No, you know better than to do that, don't you? You'll take this just like you take your beatings - silent and compliant. No matter what I do to you, you won't scream. You won't plead with me to stop. Hell you won't even cry - at least not in front of me. You'll save your crying for later when you're alone in your tree house. Crying for your Killian to come rescue you," Pan said to her.

At the mention of Killian's name Tinkerbell startled. She did not know Pan knew about Killian. She never said his name out loud. She had never written it down. There was no way he could know about Killian.

"You're probably asking yourself right now how I know about your Killian. I'll tell you. About 3 years after you arrived here, I saw a ship on the horizon - a ship I had seen before - the Jolly Roger. I knew that Captain Hook would take you from me if he knew you were here, so I had Felix take you to the caves with the younger boys. Now I had no idea that there was a connection between the two of you at the time. I just know Hook from previous dealings and now what his reaction is to a 'damsel in distress.' Imagine my surprise when Hook shows me a picture of you and asks if you had ever been to Neverland. I, of course, lied about your being here and asked who you were to him. He told me of your love and his search for you. I told him that I was sorry but he'd have to keep searching, as there was no woman in Neverland at this time. He asked if he could search the island - he has trust issues with me, I don't blame him. I granted him permission and then of course used the island's magic to keep him from finding the caves where I had Felix hide you. After he had searched the island for you, he came back to camp and requested permission to leave the island. I granted it and he left," Pan told her.

Tinkerbell was feeling all sorts of emotions - shock that Killian had been here looking for her, pissed and angry at Pan for hiding her away from him, love that Killian was still looking for her (at least he had been 12 years ago), and hope that he was still looking for her. She struggled against her restraints.

"Don't bother trying to escape. You can't get free of those ropes until I untie them. But I see that you might have some fight left in you after me telling you about Hook being here. This may be more fun for me than I thought it would be," Pan told her as he undressed.

Tinkerbell sighed and closed her eyes. He may rape her today but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of fighting him and she refused to look at him. She felt the bed shift with the added weight of Pan. He ripped her clothes off her body and forced her legs open. Then he forced his dick inside her and fucked her hard and fast for several hours, raping her over and over again. When he was done, he untied her wrists and threw her clothes at her.

"From now on, you sleep here. Your belongings will be moved here for you later today. And next time I won't be forcing you. You will come willingly to my bed no matter what," Pan informed her and then he left the tree house.

Tinkerbell gingerly got out of bed and went to clean up. She looked at her torn clothes and then grabbed a blanket and wrapped herself up in it instead. She sat down in a chair and closed her eyes to pray for Killian to find her as always, but this time she also prayed that he would still love her after finding out what Pan had done to her. Then she cried herself to sleep - a habit she hoped would soon change. 

Hook and Tinkerbell: A Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now