Chapter 23: The Witch's Tower

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Killian and Smee gathered their supplies and left the Jolly Roger and began their trek through the forest searching for the witch’s tower.

They had been walking for awhile when Smee said, "Uh, getting closer, Captain. At least, I-I think we are. I've never been much good at navigating on land."

Hook said, "Navigation skills are no longer required, Mr. Smee. Look up. The Evil Queen was telling the truth. This is a good day indeed. Yeah. Wish me luck, Mr. Smee." 

Hook begins to climb up the tower grunting every once in a while with the effort. He finally hauls himself through the window, exhaling sharply. He's greeted by the sound of numerous pots clattering.

Drawing his sword, he calls out, "Who's there? Show your face."

A pretty blonde woman comes out from behind the curtain she was hiding behind. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," she says.

Putting his sword away, he replies, "Oh, I assure you, I don't scare easily. I-I just expected to meet a horrible witch. And instead, I find a beautiful young woman."

"Beautiful? Well, I see you're bold as well as brave. I'm Rapunzel. So, you're not here to rescue me?" Rapunzel says.

Hook says, "Sorry, luv, I'm here on a mission of love. I've heard that the witch's magic can help me find a way back to my true love who was so cruelly taken from me. Although, now that I've met you, a daring, uh, rescue might be in order. Once you've handed over the magic."

Rapunzel informs him, "You're welcome to it, though it won't do you much good anymore. The witch grows these Golden Flowers in her secret garden. But this is the only one that I have, and she's already used its power to imprison me."

Hook can only say, "Oh." 

Rapunzel takes her hand and tries to put her hand out the window causing a magic barrier to appear and says, "See?"

"With magic that powerful, I will surely find Tinkerbell," Hook replied.

Rapunzel says, " If you can find the magic. I need it, too, to break the spell and get my freedom."

"Well, today's your lucky day, luv. Just tell me where this witch's garden is, and I will return with this flower that we both need," Hook boasts to her.

"Really?" Rapunzel says not believing her luck.

Hook replies with a simple, "Mm-hmm."

Skeptically she asks, "How do I know that you won't abandon me once you have the flower?" 

"You don't. And since it doesn't seem like anyone else is climbing your tower, I'd say you don't have much choice, luv. Now why don't you do us both a favor... tell me about that garden," he says to her honestly.

Witch’s Garden

Smee, complaining, "Ugh! This isn't exactly what I had in mind when you mentioned "garden." 

Hook chuckles and says, "It's a witch's garden, Mr. Smee. And somewhere in here is the Golden Flower we seek. Find it, then we hightail it back to the ship, before we come face-to-face with something more vicious than this lad (poking his sword at a garden gnome)."

Smee asks, "So, how do we find the flower then?"

Hook tells him," Well, according to Rapunzel, we, uh... We sing. Something to do with the power of music revealing the heart. ♪ Fifteen men on a dead man's chest ♪ ♪ Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum ♪ Doesn't appear to have worked."

Smee says, mockingly, "Maybe you need some rum first."

They hear branches snapping and look up, seeing that the garden gnome has grown quite large and fearsome.

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