Chapter 20: Exiled

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Tinkerbell came to in a dark, spooky forest, momentarily confused as to what had happened. The last thing she remembered was being in excruciating pain and Killian holding her - telling her he loved her and would never stop searching for her. Then she heard a sound behind her. She whirled around, scanning the dark forest that surrounded her.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" She demanded.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here boys? A new toy to play with perhaps?" a creepy voice said.

Eerie laughter occurred all around Tinkerbell. She realized she was surrounded and not by anyone friendly. She tried very hard to stay calm and show no fear. But when she spoke, her voice betrayed her. In a shaky voice, she asked, "Who - who are you? Wh-ere am I?"

"Who am I? I am Peter Pan and these are my Lost Boys. Welcome to Neverland. Who are you and how did you get here?" Pan said, walking closer to her.

"My name is Tinkerbell. I'm not sure how I got here though. One moment I was in a clearing talking to someone and the next moment I was waking up here," Tinkerbell replied, skirting the truth a bit...mainly for her own survival. She sensed that Peter Pan was not a good person and would do her more harm than he already had planned for her if he knew the truth.

"Interesting. Well let's get you back to our camp and find you some food, shall we?" Pan said, gesturing for her to follow him.

Reluctantly Tinkerbell followed him cause she saw no other way out of it and felt she stood a better chance at surviving long enough for Killian to find her if she went along with Pan. The Lost Boys followed behind her as they walked through the forest. She got the feeling that she was now a prisoner even though she wasn't bound. She prayed that Killian would find her soon before too much time had passed, but feared that Blue was not going to make it easy for him.

They walked through the forest for what seemed like hours before reaching a torch-lit clearing with small wood huts surrounding the edges. Some were on the ground, while some were built up in the trees. A large bonfire was in the middle of the clearing with logs surrounding it for seating. A smaller fire was at one end of the clearing with a large pot hanging over it for cooking. There were 2 boys standing by the pot cooking, while several more boys sat at a long table and benches, doing what she wasn't sure. And several more boys were doing various other jobs around the camp. All the boys stopped what they were doing and turned to Pan and the Lost Boys who were with him. All of them stared at Tinkerbell.

The boys in the camp all began talking at once. Tinkerbell could only make out some of what they were asking..."Who is she?", "How did she get here?", and the one that gave her the most pause "Is she to be our new mother?" They asked other things but Tinkerbell stopped listening after the "new mother" question. She looked at these boys - these young boys who should be home with their parents, not here on this forest island with this Pan character.

Pan looked at the boys and said, "Back to your work. All questions will be answered in due time." The boys all went back to their work, but all kept sneaking glances at Tinkerbell. The glances of the older boys, the ones who had been with Pan when she was found, creeping her out a lot. The looks they gave her reminded her of the looks the men in the taverns gave the serving girls who worked there. The younger boys looks were more of curiosity and they looked like they all needed a hug...hence the "new mother" question.

Pan turned and looked at Tinkerbell, who was still looking around the camp. "Come I'll give you the tour while we wait for dinner to be finished," he said to her. He waved the older Lost Boys away with his hand and held out his other hand to Tinkerbell. She took it hesitantly cause he was still creeping her out.

 She took it hesitantly cause he was still creeping her out

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"Now now there's no need to be afraid. Me and the boys mean you no harm," Pan said, trying to reassure her.

"I'm sure you don't. I'm just a bit dazed and confused still from my abrupt and mysterious arrival here in Neverland," Tinkerbell said, lying through her teeth.

"Of course you are. I'll give you a quick tour, and after dinner, I'll show you where you can rest," Pan replied.

She nodded and they began the tour. Pan pointed out the kitchen area, where the boys slept, showed her where she could get cleaned up and take care of other matters, and also made sure she knew not to wander off alone until she knew the island better.

When she asked why, Pan told her, "Because Neverland can be a very dangerous place if you don't know what to watch out for and where you're going. So until you know you're way around and what dangers to look out for, don't go anywhere outside of camp alone. Now I believe I hear the dinner bell. Let's go eat and then you can get some rest."

They walked back to the main part of camp and joined the Lost Boys at the long table and benches. Those who could not find room at the table sat around the large bonfire on the logs.

The boys at the table with Tinkerbell and Pam began firing questions at Tinkerbell. Pan raised his voice to be heard over them, "BOYS! BOYS! Enough! Let Tinkerbell eat in peace tonight. She's had a long and trying day. She'll answer your questions in the morning if she wishes."

The boys quieted down, "dad" had spoken. Tinkerbell shot Pan a grateful look and dug into the stew that was in the bowl in front of her.

After dinner, Pan walked Tinkerbell to a large tree house and led her up the ladder. "You can stay here tonight, I'll bunk with Felix. Tomorrow we'll figure out more permanent accommodations for you. You can clean up through there," he said, gesturing to an area hidden behind a hanging cloth.

"Okay. Thank you," Tinkerbell replied, stifling a yawn.

"Good night Tinkerbell and welcome to Neverland," Pan said and began to descend the ladder.

"Good night and thank you again," Tinkerbell replied. She waited till she was sure Pan was back on the ground and walked behind the hanging cloth to clean up. She quickly washed up and then walked back to the main room. She took off her boots and climbed into bed. Her last thoughts before falling asleep were of Killian and she prayed he'd find her soon.

Hook and Tinkerbell: A Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now