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2 years later - Killian and Tinkerbell's Cabin

Tinkerbell is upstairs in the bathroom attempting to give her almost two-year old son a bath. The tiny terror streaks naked down the hall and down the stairs giggling as Tinkerbell yells after him, "Liam Colin Rogers get your little naked butt back here right now!" as she struggles to get up from the floor, 8 months pregnant with her second child.

Killian, who has been downstairs, laughs as he chases their son down for his wife yet again, as this is their son's nightly routine these days. He catches the little spitfire right before he runs out the front door to keep playing outside. He tosses him up in the air and catches him, as the little boy, a spitting image of his daddy, giggles and shouts, "Again, Daddy! Again!"

Killian chuckles and says, "Not tonight, Liam. It's bath time and then bedtime for you mate. Mama's waiting on you."

The boy pouts as his daddy carries him back upstairs to his mama and the bathtub.

Tinkerbell asks her husband, "How close to the front door did he get tonight?"

"About a foot. Either he's getting faster or I'm getting slower," Killian answers his wife.

"Me faster daddy slower," Liam says, giggling.

"I agree with you, Liam, daddy is getting slower," Tinkerbell says, teasing her husband.

Her husband growls at her and says, "I'll show you how slow I can be later on, love."

"I'll hold you to that. Now help me get this one into a bath and then to bed," she said, reaching for her son.

Killian keeps a hold of their son and carries the wiggly little boy into the bathroom and puts him into the tub filled with bubbles. Tinkerbell kneels down next to him and together they give Liam his bath, which ends with mom, dad, and a good portion of the bathroom soaked with water and bubbles. They get Liam out of the tub and dried off and into his jammies and then Tinkerbell carries him into his bedroom and begins reading him his bedtime story, while Killian cleans up the bathroom.

Once Killian finishes up, he joins Tinkerbell and Liam in the boy's room for the end of story time. He sits down on the edge of the bed, watching his son struggling to stay awake for the end of the story his mama is reading to him. As Tinkerbell says, "The End," and closes the book, Liam whispers, "Love you mama and daddy and baby in mama's tummy," and falls asleep. Killian and Tinkerbell whisper back, "Love you too," and they give their son a kiss goodnight.

They get up and leave their son's room and walk down the hall to theirs. Killian closes the door behind them and then pulls Tinkerbell to him for a kiss. After a few long moments, Tinkerbell breaks off the kiss and says, "I believe you said something earlier about showing me just how slow you can be."

"Aye, love, that I did," he says and begins to slowly undress her and then himself. Then he picks her up and carries her to their bed and slowly kisses every part of her body, before very slowly making love to her for over two hours. They fall asleep wrapped in each others' arms more in love now than they had ever been before. They knew that no matter what life threw at them, they would get through it together - forever and always.

                                                                                The End

Hook and Tinkerbell: A Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now