Chapter 26: Change of Plans and A Wish Come True

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- Six Years Later - 

Tinkerbell was gathering wood for the cookfire when Pan grabbed her from behind and turned her around to face him, causing her to drop the wood she had gathered. 

“What do you want? I'm doing what I was told to do...gathering the wood for the cookfire. That you’ve now made me drop and I'm going to have to pick back up,” Tinkerbell said to him, extremely annoyed.

“You know exactly what I want,” Pan said, pushing her up against a tree. 

“If I don’t get the wood back to camp, dinner won’t be able to be made,” she said.

“Dinner can wait. I can’t and won’t,” Pan informed her. “And you know better than to argue with me or to fight me on what I want.”

Tinkerbell sighed. He was right - she did know better, but old habits die hard - even after 17 years of pain and torture, plus 4 years of being good. She had been here, on Neverland, for 21 years total, so far. But she hadn’t lost faith that Killian, her love, would find her. 

“Actually on second thought, I have a better idea. Pick up the wood and get back to camp. My idea will wait till after dinner,” Pan said, stepping back from her.

Tinkerbell tried to hide her relief but also her fear at what Pan’s “idea” would turn out to be. Whatever it was, it would definitely involve pain and humiliation. She regatherered the wood Pan had made her drop and hurried back to camp. She laid the wood next to the cookfire for Felix, who was in charge of cooking dinner that night. 

Felix looked at her and said, “Took you long enough.”

“Sorry. Pan interrupted me,” Tinkerbell told him.

Felix smirked knowingly but didn't say anything. Pan had gotten back to camp before Tinkerbell and had told Felix of his plan for Tinkerbell for after dinner. He was looking forward to Pan's plan.

Tinkerbell ignored Felix's smirk and asked, "Do you need any help with dinner?"

"Sure. Why don't you get the vegetables ready for the stew while I get the fire going," he said.

"Okay. Who let the fire go out anyway? Everyone knows we keep it going all day." Tinkerbell asked.

"One of the new boys. Pretty sure he won't be making that mistake again," Felix told her.

She said nothing in response but got to work on the vegetables. In short order, the fire was burning hot and the water in the cook pot was boiling. Felix tossed in the meat for the stew and then the vegetables. 

"You can go clean up now. I've got it from here. Thank you," Felix said to her.

"You're welcome," she responded and left to get cleaned up.

Thirty minutes later, Felix called everyone to dinner. Tinkerbell prayed that everyone took their time eating as she was not looking forward to Pan's plan for her. Unfortunately, she did not get her wish - everyone inhaled their dinner. 

Inwardly she groaned when she saw Pan get up and start walking over to her. He stopped behind Felix and motioned for him to come along with him. They both approached her and she waited to hear what Pan had to say.

"Tonight you are to go with Felix to his treehouse. It's his birthday and you are my present to him. If you fight him, he has my permission to beat you senseless," Pan informed Tinkerbell coldly.

Tinkerbell's face paled when she heard Pan's words. She had suffered with Pan using her for the last few years, and now she had to suffer through Felix using her in the same manner. She now understood Felix's earlier smirk. This was not a surprise to him. And based on the smirk on his face now, he was looking forward to this. She didn't say anything to either of them as she knew it would do no good. She got up and followed Felix to his tree house - which thankfully was on the far side of camp, away from Pan's treehouse.

When they got to the treehouse, she followed Felix up the ladder. Felix gestured towards the bed. She sat down on it and waited. Felix sat down close next to her. He turned her upper body towards him and pulled her in for a hug.

He whispered in her ear, "I'm not going to do what Pan wants me to, but he will be watching so we will need to pretend that we're following orders. We'll get undressed and get under the covers. I will make it look like we're having sex but we won't actually. After a certain amount of time has passed, we'll go to sleep and Pan will think we followed his orders."

"Thank you," she whispered in his ear. 

They drew back from each and undressed and climbed under the covers. True to his word, Felix made it look like they were having sex. Tinkerbell could see Pan hiding in a tree outside the treehouse window watching them. After about 20 minutes she looked back to the spot Pan had been and realized he was gone. She whispered in Felix's ear that Pan had left. He nodded and pretended to finish in case Pan had just moved locations. 

Tinkerbell got up and went to "clean up." When she got back to the bed, Felix handed her a shirt to sleep in. She donned it gratefully and climbed under the covers.

"Why?" she asked him in a whisper.

"Because I can't stand the way he treats you and abuses you, but I can't stand up to him because he's too powerful," he whispered back.

Again she whispers thank you and closes her eyes, feeling safe for the first time in a very long time. Before falling asleep she once again prays for Killian to find her.

Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest, high up in her tower, Alice is looking through her father's spyglass at the stars and the forest below.

Alice says, "Good evening, Trees. And you, Stars! My, you're rather chatty tonight, aren't you? Do you know what the stars say today is, Mr. Hatter? Well, the Second Star to the Right is blinking to the north. Which can only mean one thing... Today is my birthday!" 

Then in a deep voice she says, "A very happy birthday to you!" 

She chuckled to herself and says in her normal voice, "Who wants some cake?"

She lights a match and then a candle. Then she blows out the match. She closes her eyes and makes a wish as she blows out the candle. She takes the candle out of the cake and adds the candle to the box of other birthday candles from years past. There are now 17 candles in the box.

She sighs and says, "Well... maybe next year." 

Suddenly there's a loud stomping. Alice gasps and then screams several times. The stomping continues and then the roof is torn off the tower by a giant troll.

"Who are you?" Alice asks, looking at the giant troll. The troll holds out his hand for Alice to climb into so she can get out of the tower. Alice thinks about it for all of two seconds, grabs her father's spyglass and a few other things and then climbs into the troll's outstretched hand. He lifts his hand out of the tower, with Alice clinging to him and lowers her to the ground. 

She climbs out of his hand and says, "Thank you my friend."

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