Chapter 1: How They Met

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Once upon a time in the Wish Realm Enchanted Forest, a young blonde fairy by the name of Tinkerbell was just flying about looking for things to fix when she came across a man unconscious on the beach. She flys down to check on him, praying he's alive. As she nears him, she notices how handsome he is. His clothing screams pirate and he has a hook in place of his left hand.

She thought "Is this the infamous Captain Hook? Oh my god he's gorgeous!"

Smoothly transforming from fairy size to human size, she lands on the beach beside him. She can see his chest moving so she knows he's alive. She shakes him gently to try and wake him. When that doesn't work, she shakes him harder.

He grumbles "Let me sleep Mr. Smee."

Tinkerbell softly says "It's not Mr. Smee. You need to open your eyes."

He opens his eyes (the most beautiful blue eyes Tinkerbell has ever seen) and looks up at her and says "if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up."

"No dream. You were passed out on the beach. I didn't know if you were alive or not when I spotted you when I was flying," she said.

"Flying?" He asks confused.

"Yes flying. I'm a fairy. You can call me Tinkerbell," she told him.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful fairy. I am Killian Jones or Captain Hook if you prefer," he tells her.

"Well Killian (loving the way his name sounds on her lips), how'd you wind up passed out on the beach? Your a bit far from the nearest village and I see no signs of a shipwreck?" she asks.

"Honestly I'm not quite sure how I got here."

"Well then I guess we better figure that out together. Shall we?" Tinkerbell stands up and offers him a helping hand.

Killian takes her hand and gets up, saying "we shall."

They begin to walk towards the nearest village which is about 5 miles away.

Hook and Tinkerbell: A Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now