Chapter 28: The Land Without Magic

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Hyperion Heights - 2 Years After the Curse

Eloise Gardener wandered the streets of Hyperion Heights enjoying her freedom after being held captive for two years. But she wasn't just wandering without a purpose - no she was on a scavenger hunt of sorts. She was looking to see who all was transported here courtesy of her curse. She had found all of the people she was looking for except for one - one very annoying blonde fairy who was in love with a pirate. Eloise hadn't seen the fairy in a very long time - since long before she cast the curse. But she knew the fairy had been in the realm when the curse was cast because she knew the fairy had been with the pirate as the curse took hold.

Eloise thought to herself, "I have to find out where she is. She needs to be here for my plan to work. Luckily I still have something of hers to do a locator spell with. Then it's just a matter of luring her back and I have just the motivation in mind - that pirate!"

Eloise hurried back to her apartment after stopping at the bookstore to purchase a world map and map of the United States. She locked her apartment door and assembled everything she needed to cast her locator spell. Then she cast the spell and waited to see where it would lead on the two maps. On the world map, a mark appeared in the northwest section of North America. On the United States map, a mark appeared in the state of Oregon, specifically Portland, Oregon.

"Well at least she didn't go too far from home," Eloise said aloud to herself. She quickly cleaned up the items from the spell and poofed herself to Portland.

Portland, Oregon

Detective Jade Wilde hurried into her favorite coffee shop to get her morning jolt of caffeine in the form of a large vanilla cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso. The barista recognized her and began making her order before she even got to the counter.

Jade said to the barista, "Ok I know I'm in here everyday and that's why the others know my order, but how on earth do you know it already? You've only worked here three days."

The barista said, "Oh I just have a great memory for faces and remembering things."

"Wish my memory was that good," Jade said jokingly, as she paid for her drink and picked it up.

"You never know when your memory might suddenly get better. Have a good day, Detective," the barista said with a sly smile.

Jade walked out of the coffee shop thinking how strange the woman's last comment was. She shook it off and climbed into her red 1970 Chevy Chevelle SS with two black stripes down the middle and drove off to work.

 She shook it off and climbed into her red 1970 Chevy Chevelle SS with two black stripes down the middle and drove off to work

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As she drove, she sipped her drink thinking about her caseload that awaited her on her desk. About five minutes after she had left the coffee shop, while stopped at a red light, she suddenly started having images flashing through her head - images of being a fairy, images of a pirate, images of a horrible place with a horribly cruel man-child, images of the man-child's brutal death at her and the pirate's hands. A horn honking behind her startled her - the light had turned green. She pulled through the intersection and into the first parking spot she saw.

Hook and Tinkerbell: A Wish Realm/Hyperion Heights Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now