Chapter 10: Answers - The Hard Way

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Killian re-entered the cabin joining Regina and the shackled Cora.

"Everything okay with Tinkerbell?" Regina asked concerned.

"Aye I believe so. At least I hope so," he said, "Shall we begin?"

"Absolutely," Regina said smiling her old Evil Queen smile.

Killian walked over to an old wooden cabinet and opened the doors revealing a wide variety of knives (big and small), needles, and small wooden darts.

Rubbing his hands together, he said, "What to start with first?"

Then he realized Tinkerbell hadn't given him back his hook after they had made love. "Dammit she didn't give me back my hook!" he exclaimed.

"I can fix that," Regina said and with a wave of her hand, his left hand was replaced with his hook.

"Ahh much better for what I have in mind. Thank you," he said.

Turning to face Cora he said, "Now for every question I ask that you answer truthfully you don't get hurt. But if you answer with a lie or don't answer at all, well then, it's gonna hurt like hell. Nod if you understand."

Cora gave a look that said she had a question, but since Regina had used a silencing spell on her, she couldn't ask it.

Regina asked, "You have a question?" Cora nodded yes. "Let me guess how will he know if you're telling the truth? Simple with the truth telling spell I'm going to cast on you. Though it will have a twist. Every time you lie, you'll bark like a dog."

Cora nodded her understanding. Regina released Cora from the silencing spell and placed the truth telling spell on her.

"Then shall we begin?" Hook asked and not waiting for an answer moved onto his first question. "What did you do to me and my crew last night?"

Cora said, "To your crew, just put them to sleep and made them forget everything after leaving the Jolly Roger." No barking, she was telling the truth. "To you, nothing at all." Barking ensued.

Killian picked up a knife and sliced Cora's stomach with it, drawing blood. Cora winced in pain.

"I'll ask again...what did you do to me?" Killian asked.

"Nothing." Barking.

Another slice this time to her right arm drawing blood again.

"What did you do to me?"

No answer at all. Another slice but to her left arm drawing more blood.

"What did you do to me?"

Again no answer. This time he left a bloody slice across her left thigh.

"What did you do to me?"

"Put you to sleep and made your memory fuzzy," Cora said through gritted teeth with pain.

"Why?" he asked.

"My own amusement," she answered, followed by barking.

This time he back-handed her across the face, his rings cutting her cheek. He wiped the blood off his rings on Cora's dress.

"Why did you do this to me?" he growled.

No answer once more. He left a bloody slice across her right thigh this time.

"Why?" he repeated, growing more frustrated.

"I told you for my own amusement," she answered. More barking.

He picked up a different knife and stabbed Cora's left shoulder right above her armpit.

She cried out in pain and asked her daughter, " Why are you letting him do this to me? I'm your mother."

"A mother who has done nothing but lie and deceive me every day since I was born. You deserve this, Mother. This and so much more," Regina coldly informed her mother, wishing she was the one doing the torturing.

"I'll ask just one more time, Cora darling, why did you do this to me?" Killian asked her.

"Because I could. You made it so easy once you'd had a few pints at the pub. After I drugged you and your crew, I transported you to the beach where that insipid fairy found you. Screwing with your memory and drugging you was all I did to you," Cora said weary from the blood loss and promptly passed out.

"Dammit! Slow her bleeding so she doesn't die on us, at least not yet," Killian said to Regina.

Regina did as he asked, then asked him, "What now?"

"Is there anyone to contact Tinkerbell and see if she's had any luck at Cora's?" he asked.

"Sure I can use a mirror to contact her as long as you have one," she answered.

"Aye I do. Come across to my quarter's. She's not going anywhere," he said gesturing towards Cora with his hook.

Meanwhile, Tinkerbell had arrived at Cora's and began looking around room by room. Her methodical room by room search was getting her no answers. At least not in the rooms she could get into. There was one room that no matter what spell she used, she couldn't get the door to open.

"Dammit Cora! What for magic did you use on this door?" she screamed out loud to no one and hit the door again with a blast of magic in frustration.

From behind her, she heard a voice saying "Blood magic. She sealed the door with her blood."

Tinkerbell whirled around and saw Killian and Regina in the mirror that was hanging on the wall.

"A little warning next time if you don't mind," she said startled. "Unless giving me a heart attack was the goal. Cause then you almost succeeded."

"Sorry love but I did call your name a few times. You didn't hear me over the blasts of magic and yelling you were doing," Killian said apologetically.

"It's okay. Hope you had more success than I'm having. I've found nothing in any of the rooms. Except for this one, which I can't get into, which tells me that is where our answers lie." she said. "Did you say something about blood magic, Regina?"

"Yes I did. If you can't get in using any spell you know or any blasts of magic, that means that she sealed the door with her blood. The only way in is with her blood or the blood of a direct," Regina explained.

"So come open the door then," Tinkerbell said.

"We'll be there shortly. We need to make sure Cora is secure and that no one tries to free her while we're gone," Killian told her.

"Okay see you soon."

Killian and Regina disappeared from the mirror. Tinkerbell sat down to wait.

Back at the Jolly Roger, Hook and Regina went back across the hall to Cora's torture room. Regina checked to make sure she was still alive and breathing and stopped the bleeding entirely.

"Wouldn't do us any good if she died while we're gone. I'll place a protection spell and a silencing spell around the cabin so that if she wakes up and screams for help, no one will hear her and no one will be able to get in. I'll also enhance the strength of her shackles to ensure she can't get out of them," Regina explained to Killian.

"Sounds like a good plan. Get on with it then. We need to get into that room," Killian said.

Regina prepares the spells and enhancements and performs them. They leave the cabin and then as extra protection, she seals the cabin using Hook's blood for the blood magic seal, just in case Cora got free of her shackles and tried to get out. Then with a wave of her hand, she transports Killian and herself to Cora's house.

A/N: Thank you to fellow author Jessica for reviewing this chapter for me. I'm so glad you and everyone else is enjoying my story. Please stay tuned as there's so much more to come....

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