Taking place in the Wish Realm and Hyperion Heights, Hook and Tinkerbell, a.k.a. Detective Colin Rogers and Jade Wilde, fall in love, get torn apart, and find their way back to one another.
I do not own the rights to these characters and any portio...
If you've made it this far, thank you! I hope you have enjoyed reading Hook and Tinkerbell's love story. The idea for the book was something that was floating around in my mind for several months and when the pandemic hit the U.S., I found myself with some extra time on my hands, so I decided to try my hand at writing my story idea down. To my surprise, I really enjoyed writing the story and with the encouragement of a new friend, Jessica, and my oldest daughter, Sarah, I continued writing Hook and Tink's story.
As I said in the description of the story, this is based on season 7 of "Once Upon A Time" and as such portions from that season were used in the story, though some things were changed to work with how I wanted the story to go. While most characters are familiar with those who watched the show, there are a few who are not. The police captains in Portland and Hyperion Heights, as well as Tinkerbell's doctor, are my own characters. Lily, our young homeless teenager, is an original character owned by my daughter, Sarah, and used with her permission and at her request to be included. The photos below are from a little photo shoot we did with her dressed as how she pictured Lily. (Photos can be seen on wattpad, but not fanfiction.net as the site does not allow for pics to be included in text.)
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The above the photos are of homeless Lily, with the last one being our take on when Lily was attacked by Nick a.k.a. the Candy Killer a.k.a Hansel.
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The above photos are of Lily dressed for Alice and Robin's wedding which was mentioned in the beginning of chapter 42 but not described in the chapter.
There are many other photos that I have included throughout the story to help with picturing certain scenes...most photos were taken from images from the show or other images I found on the web. The only photos that I own are the ones of "Lily" and as such no one but myself may use them.
And now for the thank you's:
Jessica - thank you for your constant encouragement, support, and feedback throughout this process. Thank you for helping me through my bouts of occasional writer's block, for being there to bounce ideas off of at all times of the day and night, and for being my sounding board.
Sarah - thank you for your encouragement and eagerness to always want more to read. Thank you for wanting me to use your original character, Lily, in my story. Lily and your ideas helped to shape the final several chapters of my story. Without Lily, the story wouldn't have been as good. Your ideas and character added so much to the story of Hook and Tinkerbell, and to Alice and Robin's as well. Thank you for being an awesome daughter. I love you sweetie!
Finally, one last thank you to you - my readers. Thank you for reading my story. I hope you have all enjoyed reading "Hook and Tinkerbell." I have enjoyed writing it and am currently working on a new story not related to "Once Upon A Time" that I will be, hopefully, starting to post soon.