Chapter 39: Shit's About to Go Down

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Rogers and Tilly enter the theater and are confronted by the Desk Sergeant.

Rogers asks him, "What are you doing here, mate? Is something wrong?"

The Desk Sergeant replies in a weird voice, "Nothing's wrong. In fact, it's all going as planned."

Tilly screams as she is grabbed by two women in cloaks.

Rogers punches the desk sergeant and grunts as he's restrained by two more women in cloaks. As the women drag Tilly off, he shouts, "Hey! Where are you taking her?"

Appearing seemingly out of nowhere, Eloise answers him, "To a place where the truth will finally be revealed

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Appearing seemingly out of nowhere, Eloise answers him, "To a place where the truth will finally be revealed."

"I swear, Eloise, I won't let my badge stop me from killing you if you hurt that girl!" Rogers shouts at her.

"Calling me Eloise? My name is Mother Gothel, and don't worry, Detective. Tilly's not the one I'm going to hurt," Eloise says, taunting him.

He shouts, "No!" He grunts as he struggles to break free and the women take him down below the theater. Eloise and the desk sergeant follow.

In the cave below the theater, Eloise ties Rogers up and says to him, "You've been onto things for a long time, Detective. Questioning, investigating, pondering the persistent parade of the impossible. You can rest easy because you're right... We are witches."

The desk sergeant scoffs, "At least you don't have to worry about a cult."

Rogers addresses him, "You disgrace your badge."

"Let us go," Tilly says and tries to break out of the desk sergeant's grip on her.

"Oh, no, my child. You're not going anywhere, not until after you help us cast our spell," Eloise informs her.

"Hey. It'll be alright, Tilly," Rogers says to Tilly, trying to reassure her.

"I really don't like it here," Tilly tells him.

"That's because you haven't accepted who you are yet. I am truly sorry I never saw it sooner, how special you are. Had I known you were like us, things would've been very different for you," Eloise says to her.

One of the witches tells Tilly, "Your mother has a gift for finding special people... Outcasts, exiles. I was the first she recruited to her coven."

"A coven that'll soon be behind bars," Rogers vows.

"Don't listen to him. We're your family, and family help each other," Eloise tells her.

"Like you helped my father? You killed him!" Tilly yells at Eloise.

Eloise says, "Your father's right in front of you." Tilly and Rogers look at each other. "That's right. The love you feel is real, you just don't remember it. You were born from both sides of the looking glass as both his and mine, and you know it's true. I only want to help you figure out which side you belong on. Leave humanity behind. Join your sisters and I'll be the mother you always wanted."

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