Draco Malfoy x reader

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You sat on the window seat of the dorm you share with Hermione Granger and Lavender Brown but right now you were alone thinking.
Last year was supposed be your last year at hogwarts and lead a normal life. But then the Battle at Hogwarts happened and You lost a lot of your best friends, including Fred. Just thinking about that day made your stomach turn.
You and all the other people who were on seventh year during the war, got called back to Hogwarts to for eighth year to redo our seventh year and start over.

It was pretty easy for you, other than going a year without some of my friends. But it was Pretty hard for your boyfriend Draco Malfoy because being an ex- death eater is hard especially when the one person that has been there your whole life is gone (we're going to pretend for just this oneshot that Narcissa died.) and everyone makes a big deal about your past mistakes.
But you still love him no matter what he does. You figured that out on the long, hard road.
You were pulled out of my thoughts by yelling. Where is that coming from? You got to the stairs and realised that the yelling was coming from the common room. You ran down the stairs as fast as you could to see what the commotion was about.
There were three people in front of the door (Ron, Ginny, and Seamus) yelling at the person at the door to go away.
" we are not going to let you in!" Ginny yelled
" Just go away!" Ron yelled. you went closer trying to see who was at the door. You weren't getting any closer to see who the person was because Seamus was right at the door while ron and ginny were threatening to fight him.
" Will you at least just tell her to go to the Great hall?!" you knew that voice but before you couldn't say anything because seamus beat you to it.
" NO! We are not going to-"
" Seamus! She's right there!" Ron said pointing at you. Seamus and Ginny moved so they could see you, which got you a look at Blaise at the door.
" Blaise? what are you doing here?" you asked him
" It's Draco he-"
" Did something happen?!" you asked. Your voice proved to everyone that you was worried. I mean really, who wouldn't be when your boyfriend gets bullied by everyone just because he was forced into being a death- eater.
" No! Nothings wrong. He just needs you in the great hall" he told you in a calm voice.
" Why couldn't he just come himself?" you asked. As soon as you said it you knew the answer.
" Did you see how these three treated me when i came? They would have been so much worse to Draco if he would have come!" He yelled clearly annoyed. He was getting mad. When Blaise gets mad he starts yelling random thoughts that come to mind. We don't want that to happen.
" okay, okay please don't get mad" you begged. He smiled and held out his arm for you to take. You politely took it and he led you out towards the great hall. You didn't care if people were staring. People always stared and whispered behind your back ever since you and Draco announced you were dating.

You and blaise got to the Hallway in front of the Great Hall. There were a surprising amount of people here (i mean since Draco arranged this). Hermione and Harry were on the right side of the door, Pansy was on the other side, and Neville was in front of the closed doors that lead into the Great Hall. What is Happening? Why are my friends here? More important, Why is Pansy Parkinson Here? You hate each other. Your rivals to be honest. But you didn't pay much attention to that because Harry and Hermione came up to me.
" Just remember that i love you no matter what you choose" Hermione said
" Yeah. Me too, but i think you could do better" Harry said bluntly. You just awkwardly smiled because you didn't know what to do or what's happening.
" What do you mean?" you asked. You had no idea what was going on. Are they pulling something on you? You surely hoped not because these guys can go crazy with pranks.
They didn't have time to answer because just then Blaise grabbed your arm.
" we should go in now" he said with a huge smile on his face. For him being one of your best friends, you couldn't read his smile.
" Okay?" it came out as more of a question but at the time you didn't really care. Neville opened the doors to the Great Hall. It looked so different. There was a purple carpet laid out through the middle of the room and flowers everywhere. Blaise Lead you onto the carpet and walked you until you two were halfway across the room.
" wait here" and with that he left to join the others.Well, just pansy but you get the point.

You were so confused. You were about ready to turn around and leave when music started playing and Draco walked up to you. He gave you a quick peck on the lips and went to the front of the Great Hall. You looked at him with a confused expression on your face. Then something strange happened. Draco started singing. I mean you knew that he loved to sing, but he only sang in private.
" It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you " He sang. You loved the song but you were still confused as to why this was happening to you.

Then it dawned on you. Draco's proposing to me, you thought. The thought made you so happy. It can't be. Why would someone want to marry someone like me? Draco Malfoy choosing to marry a half-blood? It just can't be.
He finished the song and people started applauding. He walked up to you and got down on one knee. You felt tears about ready to spill from happiness.
" Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N yo-" you cut him off,
" YES! I will marry you " you said. As soon as the words left your lips he jumped up and hugged you.
" Are you sure you want to marry an ex- death eater?" he asked his voice full of wonder and worry.
This got every one in the rooms attention. It was a question you had never asked yourself because you loved Draco and didn't want to live without him. You just smiled your famous smile that everyone knows.
" Draco Lucius Malfoy," you started, " I would never say no to you because i love you too much" you felt the tears start streaming down your face. " Now put the stupid ring on my finger you idiot " you said playfully.
He smiled and quickly put the ring on your finger. It was a golden ring with a decent sized emerald in the the middle.
" It's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen" you said staring down at the ring.
" Well we need to get you a mirror, because the most beautiful thing is right in front of me" he said. You smiled and tried to resist the urge to snap back but you failed.
" Yeah the ring " you snapped back putting the ring in his face. He laughed and motioned you to go show your friends. You nodded and ran over to Hermione and Harry.
" look at the size of it!" Hermione yelled when she got to see the ring. You and her squealed. And Harry looked at the ring. A look of Regret and a little sadness showed on his face.
" I bet you love the ring" again Harry's voice sounded blunt
" Sure i do" you said in a duh tone,
" I just can't believe Draco got me the such an expensive ring!"
" Do you love Him?" He asked his voice full of wonder
" Of course i do Harry! why would i have said yes, if i didn't love him!" you were getting angry at him. Hermione noticed.
" Let's go talk to Blaise" she suggested grabbing your arm. She is the only person in any house that accepted the fact that you were friends with Blaise and dating Draco.
" Lets " you said clearly annoyed at Harry's words. Why is he acting like this?
(little did you know that Harry had always had feelings for you. That is one of the reasons Harry has Hated Malfoy for all those years. He could tell that Malfoy liked you, and even worse he could see that you liked him too, so he never got in the way of your relationship. But it was tearing him apart inside. )

This is my first one shot story so if it bad please feel free to tell me. I will also take requests to put in. Thank you for reading!

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