Remus Lupin

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It was a cold winter morning in the silent walls Hogwarts, well for you anyway. The full moon was last night and all you could think -or more like worry- about was your boyfriend Remus. You were sitting on the chair next to his white sheeted bed in the hospital wing as you silently watch Remus sleeping peacefully, with a small smile playing at your lips. He just looked so peaceful and as a werewolf he hardly ever has the sense of peace, unless he is with you and sometimes the marauders or eating chocolate while in the library engrossed in a book.

You figured out about Remus's furry little problem in your first year, before anyone even James, Sirius, and Peter. When they found out about it and that you knew but didn't tell them, for a whole month after, they completely ignored you. Well James and Sirius did, Peter still hung out with you though because you were his friend and he was just too nice, and of course Remus was still your best friend so you weren't by yourself. Eventually, the two came around and the four came up with the idea to become animagi for Remus, along with nicknames because they're the marauders, what else did you expect? Finally after two years of trying to get it, Remus became Moony (we all know that he's a werewolf), James became Prongs (he's a stag), Peter became Wormtail (he's a rat), Sirius became Padfoot (he's a black lab), and you became Bambi (you're a doe), that was around the time you fell in love with Remus. 

 The gleaming light of the rising sun slowly shines it's way through the windows, making Remus start to stir. His shallow breathing became a tad bit quicker like it usually did the day after a full moon, and his eyelids slowly opened revealing the beautiful hazel eyes that you loved oh so much. After a few minutes, Remus gently sat up, and slightly winced at the pain of his new injuries but managed to give you a small weary smile, which you responded by drawing circles on the back of his hand.

"Good Morning Moons" You tell him softly, drawing a flower on the back of his hand and you feel him practically melt into your touch as he closes his eyes, as your light touch got rid of most of the pain he had.

"Morning Doe" Remus hummed lightly, opening his eyes slightly to look at you, using the animagi you are and not the nickname that makes both you and Remus cringe.

He loved the way that the sun reflected off of you, it honestly reminded him of an angel. Remus's gaze unintentionally went from your hand on his, then up your arm to your face, then down to your waist but when he was going to look back up to the wonderful e/c eyes that he loves more than anything, but something caught his eye. It was probably nothing, he thought, but then looked a little closer and saw something that he has seen so much in his life and never in good times. You noticed Remus staring at your bandage and instantly covered it with your shirt, before meeting those concerned hazel eyes again. 

"Y-you alright Rem?" You asked a little nervous at what he saw but you knew that if you told him what happened last night, Remus would blame himself. 

"Lift your shirt up some" Remus says sounding as calm as possible, instead of listening to him, you grew even more nervous and pulled your shirt down more, to where it was basically down to your knees. 

"Wh-Why would i do t-that?" The nervousness in your voice was so clear that Remus actually grew even more concerned that you were lying to him. 

"Y/n please lift it up" Remus practically begged making your heart ache a little at the tone. You hesitantly lifted the hem of your shirt revealing a bandage wrapped around your waist with a small amount of blood seaming through the fabric. Remus slowly and very cautiously ran his fingers along the bandage trying his best not to hurt you. But Remus accidentally hit a something and you winced in pain making Remus take his hand back with tears stinging at his eyes that were barely visible. 

"See every-" You didn't get to finish your 'see, everything is alright' sentence because Remus immediately cut you off. 

"Did I..?" 

"It doesn't hurt that bad-" 

"..I did this" Tears were now silently streaming down the werewolf's face as he stared at you with nothing but self hatred and sadness in his eyes. You tried placing your hand on his but Remus just pulled away, as multiple different emotions settled in. 

"Moony, I love you and-" 

"..But why?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Why do you love me?" Remus asked, now swallowing sobs. The question took you by complete and utter surprise so you could only say the first thing that came to mind. 

"What?" you ask not knowing what to say to his question

"I mean look at me... I'm a Monster" Remus's voice cracked as he emphasized on the word 'monster' and it hurt you seeing the love of your life -no your mate- in pain, physically and mentally. 

"Rem, it could-" 

"What kind of boyfriend lets his girlfriend risk her life for him every fucking day? And what do you get out of it?" Remus was basically torturing himself because something that he couldn't control. 


"I got you hurt and what if i would have-"

"Remus John Lupin would you please stop the rambling and listen?!" You raised your voice catching the sandy haired Gryffindor off guard and look up at you from his spot on the white bed. You stood up for a brief second and then sat back down on the side of Remus's bed. Remus abruptly closed his mouth and sighed as he found himself giving you a look that basically told you to continue. 

"Remus, I want you to know that what you're saying about yourself isn't true in the slightest" Remus scoffed at this not believing you, "You are not a monster Rem. The definition of a monster is something that is large, ugly and frightening, and you are none of those things" 

"Alright then please tell me, what am i, if i'm not a monster?" Remus questioned trying to sound a little more sarcastic than it came out with tears still slowly streaming out of his hazel orbs. You playfully rolled your eyes at him but smiled anyway as you thought of your answer to the question. 

"Well..You are my very smart, lovingly witty, very loved, and extremely adorable but very much a dork, boyfriend named Remmy or Remus, but I like Remmy better" you smiled brightly down at him when you heard a light chuckle escape the slightly chapped lips of the werewolf beside you before his tone turned serious. 

"But Y/n..I hurt you" Remus mumbled quietly not meeting your eyes, you sighed quietly and used your right hand to lift his chin up. You leaned down slightly and gently placed your warm lips on his, after a few seconds Remus took his free hand and cupped your cheek, making you smile. When you pulled away, Remus rested his forehead on yours and just stared in your e/c orbs, getting lost in them. 

"That doesn't matter now" you told him giving a reassuring smile, but Remus had that same look in his eye that he did before. 

"But it does matter-"

"No it doesn't." you told him a little more stern than the last time before placing a quick peck on the werewolfs lips

"Do you want to know why?" You ask him softly kissing his nose playfully and putting your bright smile back on your face. 


"Because I'm still here and I'm never going to leave you... I love you Moony and I never plan on stopping" 

"I love you too Bambi" Remus states softly, you both cringe at the nickname but you both know better than to argue with Sirius or James about this because they might just give you something worse, then that nickname will stick better than this one and you really don't want that, now do you? "And I never plan on stopping" 


Sorry for taking so long to get this out. I have been wanting to get one like this out for awhile so I hope you like this!! Thank you all so much for reading!!!

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