Draco Malfoy

521 9 3

((Btw the arguments might not be great.))

The sounds of footsteps in the halls behind you made you turn around sharply, wondering who it could be. You were walking in the third floor corridor alone, it's a nice place to think because people try to steer clear of it, as Myrtle seems to have scared a few first years. Placing your hand in your robe pocket that held your wand, you started walking to where the footsteps were heard, you hoped that you were going to find a lost second years like you had before but when you saw the last person you wanted to see, you huffed out a breath in an annoyed type of manner. It was the person that has been the only thing on your mind lately and you didn't really want to talk to him at the moment. You had almost gone a full day without seeing him, considering that it's saturday.

Draco Malfoy was walking down the hall towards you with a clouded look on his face, it was weird that he wasn't strutting like he usually does but considering that he probably thought that he was alone, you didn't think twice about it. The two of you are enemies, you have been since second year when he called you a mudblood for literally no reason at all, you weren't even a muggleborn but he either apparently didn't know that, or just didn't care. It's been about four years since then but the bickering and picking on the other hasn't stopped. You tried taking a few steps back to get away from him because in all honesty, you didn't know if you had the energy to deal with him today. But of course, you weren't quiet enough so the slytherin's head snapped up to look in your direction.

"Yo, L/n!" Draco called after you once he saw you, in an emotionless, blank type of way. You sighed in defeat because you knew what was about to come, as you turned around.

"Yes, Malfoy?" You turned to face him with a slightly fake scowl on your face, crossing your arms over your chest, waiting for the insult of the day.

"That's not the way to greet the (slytherin) prince now is it?" Draco says a bit sarcastically, with a smirk making his way onto his face.

"You are not a prince Malfoy, and you never will be." You reply with an eye roll, leaning back against the wall, you don't entirely know why he acts like this around you but he does and you can't really do anything about it. Believe me, you've tried.

"Whatever you say, you minger. You're opinion doesn't matter." Draco copies your action, of crossing his arms over his chest and glaring slightly at you. You were slightly hurt by the nickname, but you didn't show it, and walked a few steps forwards so that you were right in front of him.

"Just shut up Malfoy," You sighed in a low and slightly threatening voice, narrowing your eyes and he copied the action, "You're voice is so annoying."

"I don't think it could be as annoying as yours though." Draco says in response.

You shoved him, making him stagger backwards slightly as you took a few steps back, still glaring at him. These arguments were stupid, you knew that, everyone else knew that, but you weren't quite sure that Draco knew that because of how often he starts them. He responded by glaring daggers at you, because Draco Malfoy hates it when people 'disrespect' him to his face, not that he'd really ever admit it outloud to people.

"Wow I expected you to come up with something so much better." You responded in a motone voice, already getting tired of this pointless encounter.

"Well I didn't because you're-" You stopped listening to Draco when you saw an all two familiar face appear down the hall out of the corner of your eye, your hand immediately went for your wand. Bellatrix cackled quietly and did a little dance, that was pretty weird in your opinion, you were honestly a little surprised that Draco hasn't noticed his aunt yet, but then again this is Draco your talking about.

"Malfoy-" You tried to tell him about Bellatrix standing behind him but he just ignored you.

"-That's-" Draco kept talking, and you huffed slightly as your eyes trailed back to Bellatrix, who was now moving to point her wand at Draco, and your eyes widened, before looking back to Draco.

"Draco-" But you were cut off again by him, and you were getting slightly worried by this point. You fully grabbed your wand but didn't quite move it yet.

"Wait-Did you just call me my first name?" Draco looked right at you with raised eyebrows.

"Yes I did beca-" You stopped talking because at that moment Bellatrix shot the spell Petrificus Totalus at Draco, so you shoved him out of the way. He was a little surprised and annoyed at first that you had shoved him, but then he saw the spell hit you and felt a pang of guilt. That was a feeling he's been feeling a lot around you lately, mostly after he threw insults at you, but he never really payed attention to the feeling until now.

"Well, that's not how that was supposed to go. But hey! I still (kinda) get what I want!" Bellatrix cackles before apparating out of Hogwarts. But Draco literally payed no attention, as he was too worried for you. So, with a lot of hesitation and questioning, Draco lifted you up off the ground, and carried you towards the hospital wing bridal style.

Madam Pomfrey was a little surprised to see that you were the one in the full body bind spell, and not someone else because she has only seen you around here once, and that was to see Hermione when she was in here. She motioned for Draco to lay you down on the nearest bed, and he happily did so, she could see the way he liked a you, even if he didn't see it himself, and decided to leave him alone with you after she did what she had to do to take the curse off of you.

The next thirty minutes felt like hours to Draco as he sat in the chair next to you as you were passed out on the hospital bed. He subconsciously grabbed your hand at somepoing as he got lost in the thoughts that were clouding his mind. He can't believe that it took him years of teasing and picking on you to figure out that he was actually just crushing on you the whole time. It made him feel a little guilty for the way he acted towards you over the years, he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand as he thought about it, and he was so caught up in his thoughts, that he jumped when you started moving. Your eyes fluttered open and you groaned slightly as you remembered what had happened, before your eyes landed on the blonde beside you.

"Draco?" You question with uncertainty not really believing that he was sitting by your bed as for all you knew he hated you.

"I'm here." He answers giving a small reassuring but still slightly guilty smile. Your eyes narrowed slightly in confusion, you didn't know what was going on and so when you looked down at your hand in his, you blushed a bit.

"What--why are you here?" You decided on asking after a few silent moments, still confused and you were pretty sure that you were still blushing because he hasn't let go of your hand yet.

"Well, because I care about you-" Draco says, your eyes widened and your gaze went from your hands to his face.

"W-what?" You couldn't believe that Draco Malfoy, your enemy that always had an icy look on his face, said that he cared about you.

"It took me l-long enough to come to t-the conclusion, and y-you don't have to feel the same, but I-I think I love you, Y/n." Draco explains, only stumbling over his words a bit, and his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink as he spoke. You looked up at him surprised and you opened your mouth to speak.

"..I don't think I love you, Draco.." You told him softly a small smile tugging at your lips, Draco's face dropped slightly and he let go of your hand but you weren't done yet.

"I Know that I love you." A smile made it's way onto your face as Draco looked up at you in shock for a second before chuckling lightly, and placing a hand on your cheek.

"Don't do that." Draco says in a serious voice but the grin playing on his lips told you otherwise, so you rolled your eyes with a small laugh before smashing your lips to his.


This was requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva on Wattpad! I hope you like this! School has started, which most of you probably already know, so I haven't had much time to wright and I'm sorry if this isn't very good. Anyways, I hope you all are having a great day/night! 

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