Oliver Wood x reader

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Narrator's POV- 

Everyone cheered loudly as the Gryffindor Seeker, Harry Potter, grabbed the snitch in the palm of his hand. Well, everyone but the Slytherin quidditch team and their house mates in the stands. It was Y/n L/n's last year at Hogwarts and because of her, Slytherin lost their last game of the season, to Gryffindor. She was supposed to be hitting bludgers away from her team but she got so distracted looking at her long time crush, Oliver Wood, that she missed the bludger that was coming towards their seeker, so long story short, they got hurt and is now in the hospital wing because of her. Y/n's whole team hates her at the moment and she wouldn't dare step into the slytherin common room for that exact reason. 

Y/n was currently sitting in the empty stands of the quidditch field, just staring off into the sky as she thought about how she could have stopped the bludger that came out of nowhere. After a few minutes, her e/c eyes drifted from the sy down to the field. She was surprised to see that someone was down there, it was weird that someone was out on the field after a game because usually they would either be partying if they won or sulking if they lost. But what made her most surprised was that the person or rather a boy who looked about her age, was wearing Gryffindor quidditch gear. Y/n was about to look away when her eyes locked with his, and even though she was pretty high off the ground she could see him smile. After awhile, Y/n turned around and let out a breath that she didn't even know that she was holding, and she was about to walk away when she felt a presence behind her. Y/n turned around and saw the Oliver Wood flying on his broom in the air behind her. 

"Hey, Y/n." Oliver smiled, still on his broom, Y/n blushed slightly but smiled back. 

"Hi Oliver." She replied walking a bit closer while playing with her fingers. Oliver thought for a moment before flying over the railing and planting his feet on the ground, making Y/n furrow her eyebrows in confusion. 

"I was just going to fly over the black lake or something..and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" Oliver asked slightly nervous, Y/n walked a little closer, kind of scared that this was a prank. 

"You mean, ride on your broom with y-you?" Y/n asked with a small smile. 

"Well, yeah-I mean if you want t-to-you don't have to if you d-don't want to." Oliver stumbled out, making y/n's smile brighter. 

"Alright, but if I fall then i will blame you." She says playfully getting on the broom behind him, and with heat rising to her cheeks, Y/n wrapped her arms around Oliver's waist. He slowly lifted off the ground and flew over the railing, getting higher off the ground by the second, making herr grip tighten slightly around him. 

"You won't fall.." Oliver laughed as they started making their way over the black lake, "Don't you ride a broom like every other day?" 

"Yes i do..but I have never ridden on a broom with someone else." Y/n told him in a quiet voice, as she rested her head on his shoulder, making Oliver blush slightly. After about fifteen more minutes of just riding around Hogwarts on the back of Oliver's broom, he landed on the grass of the quidditch field, and Y/n's grip on him loosened slightly much to his disliking, but she didn't exactly let go. Instead, she just kept her head resting on his shoulder for no reason at all, but neither of them were complaining. 

"Y-y/n?" Oliver questions in a quiet voice, as they both stand up off the broom. 

"Yeah?" She answers, her voice just as quiet. 

"We-uh-we l-landed." Y/n thought that because he said this that he wanted her to let go, so she hesitantly unwrapped her arms from his waist. 

"S-sorry." Y/n stepped back a few steps while biting her lip with a pink hue to her cheeks. Before Oliver could really think about anything else because he missed the contact between them, he walked up to her and smashed his lips to hers, while his arms slowly wrapped around her waist. Y/n immediately kissed back and practically melted into him. After a few amazing seconds, Y/n pulled away and rested her forehead against his, while his hands rested themselves on her hips. 

"You don't know how long i have wanted to do that." Oliver admitted with a small smile as he stared into her e/c eyes. Y/n giggled softly and intertwined her hands with his. 

"I love you Y/n L/n." OLiver whispered before giving her a light kiss on the lips.

"I love you more Oliver Wood."' Y/n replied as he pulled away.

"Not Possible." Oliver replied as the two started making their way back to the castle, hand in hand.


I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I'm trying my best to get out of my writers block. Anyways, thank you so much for reading!

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