Tom Riddle

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It was a cold saturday evening and you were waiting very impatiently for your boyfriend, Dean Matthews, to show up at Three Broomsticks for your three week anniversary date. You kept looking up at the clock over and over again but every time you looked up, the farther the hands on the clock got farther away from the eight. You looked out the window hoping that you would see Dean but you didn't. Sighing, you got up from your table and walked out the door as you put your light jacket on. 

You made your way through one of the secret passageways that leads back to Hogwarts. As you were walking through the halls of the extrordinary school, you were humming Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen to yourself not expecting to see what was just around the corner. You turned the corner and stopped dead in your tracks. Your best friend, Julia Garcia, was pushed up against the wall with her legs wrapped around your boyfriend's waist and they looked like they were practically sucking the faces of each other, it made you want to throw up the little amount of food you have eaten today. 

"How could you? I thought you loved me!" You screamed at them, making Julia untangle herself from Dean. Julia looked like she regretted it but also that it was the best thing in the world, while Dean was wearing a smug smirk. 

"Why would you think that? I never loved you and i pity anyone who ever would!" Dean retorted before smashing his lips onto Julia's, rubbing the fact that he never loved you in your face. You stared at the sight in front of you, hurt by the words that came from Dean's mouth. Tears were stinging at your eyes as you very quickly turned around and stumbled over yourself as you walked away. You made it down three hallways and through two corridors until you finally found a hallway that you felt safe enough in to cry.  

Meanwhile, Tom Riddle was patrolling the halls with the blank expression on his face that he usually wears and feeling nothing but loneliness inside like he always did. Tom only felt multiple happy emotions when he was with you or even caught a small look at you when you walk by. The fuzzy feeling Tom has when with you is strange to him because he has never felt the feeling before and it was strange. But what was even stranger to him was that he actually enjoyed the feeling.

As he was walking down an empty hallway he heard quiet sobs coming from farther down the hall. Tom was going to just ignore it and be the cold person he was met up to be but he found himself walking towards the person because there was something familiar about the voice that was crying. 

"Hello?" Tom questioned still not sure why he was even caring about the person. But when he got close enough and saw it was you that was crying, his heart literally hurt. Tom hated seeing you like this, he felt as if he would rather have the cruciatus curse used on him until he was driven insane, than see you like this. It was weird that Tom even felt anything but this feeling he has when around you just makes him feel like smiling, i guess that's the best explanation for how he feels. 

"G-go away Tom" you ordered him with your voice wavering as you spoke, thinking that if you actually gave Tom what he wanted and let him stay then he would just use you like a pawn in his little game that he plays. You were sitting on the ground with your back against the wall, your arms were wrapped around your knees and your head was resting on them. Tom didn't listen to you, instead he walked up to you and bent down on both knees so he was level with you. 

"Y/n." Tom said from right in front of you. You barely looked up but you could feel his presence beside you, usually when he is near you, you feel a colder more mysterious presence but this time his presence was warm and welcoming, it made you feel happier than you felt seconds before but that didn't stop the tears. 

"What do you want? You want to get in my pants and then leave me even worse than i am now?" You asked him finally looking up to meet his eyes with a broken look on your face. You're not crying because you actually loved by Dean and it hurt to see him with someone else but because of what Dean said, 'I never loved you and i pity anyone who ever would' those words hit you hard. Tom actually felt kind of hurt that you thought he would do that to you even if he has done it to multiple other girls. Tom saw how broken you were and instead of smiling like he would with anyone else, he felt the need to comfort you, so he put his arms around you and pulled you into him so that your head was laying in his chest as you cried. 

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