Seamus Finnigan x reader

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The lights and sounds of Diagon Ally always excited you. You walked through the doors of the leaky cauldron and found an empty table in the back. You took out the letter Seamus had given you. He had asked you to meet him here at 19.00.
        The noise of the Leaky Cauldron was very loud, so it was hard to think.

You couldn't believe that you got asked out on a date. Even better you got asked out by Seamus Finnigan. You have Fancied him since you met him in fourth year. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts you didn't notice that Seamus had walked in. 
        " Y/N?" you finally snapped out of your thoughts. Seamus was standing at the end of the table.
             " Seamus" you addressed. He smiled and sat down across from you. 
         " What can i get you?" he asked. You were confused for a moment then realised he was getting your drinks.
             " butterbear please " 
             " Be right back"  You watched him walk away to the front of the Leaky Cauldron. 

When he returned he had two cups of butterbear in his hand. He set one down in front of you and the other in front of him. 
      " so... how are you?" he asked trying to start a conversation.
        " I could be better" you said a little glum. The full moon was a few nights ago and you being a werewolf meant you have a lot of new scars to hide from people.
       " What do you mean?"
     " Well I have had a terrible few days" 
     " Well, what happened? " He asked. His voice had a tinge of worry in it. 
       " Oh it's nothing really. So how are you?" you tried to change the topic.

It was only your guys' first date and you didn't want to tell him you were a werewolf just yet. 
     " I'm doing fine" He sounded a little disappointed but you just brushed it off. You two spent the rest of your time there talking about stuff that you two both had a connection to. Like, books, chocolate frogs, and quidditch. 
        He takes your hand and leads you outside. You feel electricity shoot up your arm, from the palm of your hand where his hand is touching yours. You snapped back to reality when there was the sound of footsteps coming towards you. 
        " What are you doing after hours" a sarcastic voice said from behind you and Seamus. You guys turned around and were face to face with Draco and Pansy. 
        " Look at this dracey- poo, it's Mudblood and Blood traitor " the screachy high pitched voice of pansy said
              " and their holding hands!" Draco pointed out with a disgusted look on his face. Seamus honestly looked pale and rather frightened by their arrival. What did they do to him? you asked yourself. Draco and Pansy took a step forward.
         " What should happen to these disgraces?" Draco asked pansy. She smirked.
              " You know what to do with the mudblood but... i don't know about the blood traitor " pansy said. Her voice is so annoying, was all you could think. 
            " you leave her a-alone" Seamus said. He probably would have gotten away with even talking back to them but his voice was shaky and he stuttered. That's not good. 
        " We should leave her. After all her father is a meat thirsty werewolf" Draco said with a smirk. Pansy looked shocked. But you know for a fact you are more shocked than she is, you are just good at hiding your emotions. Pansy soon realised what Draco was thinking. She grabbed you and pinned you against the wall. 
             " now for you" Draco said towards Seamus. Seamus gave a small whimper. Draco Smiled at this. You watched as Seamus got punched right in the jaw. He fell backwards towards the ground. You could barely watch as Draco beat up your date.
          You couldn't stand it anymore. You kicked Pansy to the ground and ran to Draco (you have never really had a reason until now to call him by his last name) and Seamus. 
    " Stop!" You faced Malfoy," there was no reason at all for you to be doing this! He did nothing to you!" You were practically screaming by now. 
    " He's a Mudblood!" Draco yelled back
   " I don't care! The Draco Malfoy I used to know wouldn't do this! Sure he cared about blood purity and that shit, but he would never beat up anybody! Now, unless you want me to tell your father that your messing with a werewolf then I would suggest that you stop!" 
 You were out of breath and you were shocked that you just revealed what you are to someone other than Draco (you and Draco used to be good friends before hogwarts).

Draco was shocked, but he wasn't the only one. Pansy looked like she had just uncovered buried treasure and was about to tell everybody. Draco looked like he had just realised his wrong doings and felt bad about them. Seamus had a blank expression on his face. He looked really pale behind the small bruises forming on his face. 
     " Just wait until the whole school heard that the princess of Ravenclaw is a werewolf." Pansy had a bit more excitement in her voice than she did earlier. I'm not ready to tell everybody I'm a werewolf. But my stupid mouth had to go and say it. You thought. A tear left your eye and slowly started down your face. You looked at Draco. He looked at you with a sad expression but nodded at you.
          " Pansy," Draco started," you will not tell anyone, not even Blaise, about this. Okay? " Draco was now face to face with Pansy. 
" Or what?" She sneered
" Or I will hex that ugly face right off your neck" he replied. She stood there. Shock and anger laced her face. 
      " Draco..." She pleaded
     " Promise." He snapped
        " Okay, but please don't hex me" she begged. Draco smiled and took Pansy up the steps. But not after he gave you a hug and said sorry to Seamus. I have my best friend back. You thought. 
     You bent down and looked at Seamus. 
" Are you alright?" You asked the beat up boy in front of you. 
          " Did Malfoy just say sorry to me? A half blood?" He asked. He looked up at you with a smile on his face. His hand pushed the hair out of your face.
Only, his hands never left your face. You saw lust and a shimmer of nervousness in his eyes. 
      " C-can I kiss y-you" he asked. Man his stutter is adorable. You thought. Instead of replying you placed your lips onto his. You felt the familiar butterflies in your  stomach. You felt safe.

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