Charlie Weasley

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End Of Seventh Year

 It was the end of your seventh year and you were on the train ride back home with your best friend Charlie Weasley. You hated going back home because you hate your parents more than anything really and even though the Weasley's have offered you to stay with them, you kindly declined their offers every time because you don't want to be a burden for them. The engine of the train boomed loudly as it came to a jolting stop making you jump slightly. Charlie chuckled slightly at that and you stood up from your seat to hit him playfully on the arm with the book on flowers that you had in your hand. 

"Okay okay i'm sorry." He laughed as you stopped hitting him with your book. You and Charlie have been nest friends since your guys' second year because you found a sense of a connection between you. Over the years, you have told literally everything to the other no matter what it was. From, what book you're reading to who you have a crush on, but the only thing that you haven't told him was that you have strong feelings for him, but you didn't know that he has been keeping the same thing from you since your third year, which was a long time in his opinion. 

"You better be." You reply jokingly not really caring that he was laughing, actually you just wanted a reason to hit him with your book because you like getting a reaction out of him. When you heard others getting out of their compartments around you, you and Charlie grab your things before walking out of the compartment with your hand in his. Sure, the gesture made you both get kind of flustered now but it's something the two of you have been doing forever and honestly you both love it. Charlie leads the both of you out of the train and the first thing you saw were the weasley's waiting for charlie and his little brother Percy to get off the train. But instead of just saying a quick goodbye and leaving towards his family like he usually does, Charlie took you off a little to the side, then grabbed both of your hands. 

"Uh Y/n, I uh have something that I need to tell you before I go." Charlie says with a small amount of nervousness in his voice that you have only heard maybe once in your life. 

"Okay....? Go on." You raise your eyebrow slightly in a sort of confusion, at where he was going with this. You knew that he was going to Romania tomorrow to study and works with Dragons, well of course you knew you were the first one he told, but you didn't even acknowledge the fact that you don't know when he'll be back with a confused but blank look. With a lot hesitation he placed his lips on yours and you barely had time to kiss back before he pulled away. 

"I-I had to do that, b-because Y/n I-" He stops before he could finish to take a small intake of breath "I...I love more than a friend." 

"....Thanks." You muster out not really knowing what else to say, with a mixture of shock and still a small little bit of confusion lacing your voice. He was leaving for Romania for merlin only knows how long and he's telling you that he loves you now? I mean don't get me wrong, you've wanted this for awhile but right before he goes?, you don't really know how to respond at the moment. 

"What?" Charlie's grip on your hands loosens only slightly because he's actually starting to kind of regret telling you. 

"Um Thanks." You tell him after a few seconds still in shock blinking away a tear that made it's way into your eye, before pulling your hands out of his and giving one last smile in his direction, then walking over to your parents. 

"O..kay." Charlie mutters with a saddened type of tone to his voice as he picked up his bag and left towards his family, putting on an almost fake smile as he did so. 

Present Day

It's been about 11 months since Charlie told you that he loved you and left, and in that time you have become surprisingly close with the Weasley family. Molly and Arthur act like they are the parents you have always wanted and needed, and you being an only child just made it easier for you to be practically adopted into the family when you needed them. You haven't seen Charlie since he left but you have that stupid guilty and regretful feeling in your stomach everytime you think of him. Some nights you spend time in your bed trying to read books but crying at the thought that Charlie might have found someone else in Romania. There were a couple of times when Molly would try to get you out on dates with her friends' sons but you would always make up an excuse not to go on them because even though you were still a little sure that Charlie found someone else, you still couldn't bring yourself to go out with anyone else. 

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