Cedric Diggory x reader

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​​​​​There was intense silence. 

Nothing moved.

Nothing spoke. 

You looked around only to be met by an intense glare from haunted grey eyes.

As you continued to look at them, you discovered that these were not a normal pair of eyes. No,These were much worse. 

You felt The feeling of death overcome  you. The feeling of it climbing up your body making you feel numb. Then in with the flash of a bright light you fell.  

You fell down.

And down. 

​​​​​​You bolted up, and your eyes opened wide.

The light from the moon eliminating the cold sweat on your forehead.

Warm tears slowly  making their way  down your already tear stained cheeks.

You felt broken and insecure. But these feelings never seem to want to go away because you wake up like this every night. 

Every single night since your birthday you have had intense dreams or terrible nightmares. 

What  are they about, you ask. Well, most nights you see your mother get murdered in front of you, you wanting to run and help her but keep getting held back by an invisible force that wants nothing more than to see you suffer. 

Other nights, on rare occasions, it's seeing everyone you love either die in front of you by Volde- ,sorry, You know who or them telling you that you didn't mean anything to them and that they only hung out with you because you are really good at quidditch and stuff like that. You have no idea why you have these dreams but you do and they make you feel terrible about yourself.

Your tired after the nightmare but you know for a fact that you aren't getting any sleep tonight, so you silently rolled off your bed and left the girls' dormitory. 

You walked silently through the Slytherin common room, careful not to wake anyone up, and walked out the portrait hole. 

Hot tears were now streaming down your face and it was only a matter of time before you completely broke down like you do most nights.

So, since either taking a stroll or star gazing helps you calm down, you finally decided on heading towards the black lake. 

Walking was a little hard because you were still shaking from the dream you had that night. It was the worst one you have had so far. 

The memory of the dream was as clear as day in your mind and you don't really want to relive it, so I'm not going to tell you about it. Live with it. 

You barely made it to the oak tree that you usually went to without your legs refusing to carry your weight anymore. This usually happened and you had no choice but to cry because nothing else has ever helped you through this. 

Sobs escaped your lips as you buried your head in your hands, not realising that you weren't alone. 

" Erm... Are you o-okay?" You jumped startled by the noise of another voice. You looked around until you saw a boy sitting across from you. Legs stretched out in front of him and his hands fiddling with the Hem of his sweatshirt. 

From where you were sitting it looked as though he was a shadow, with barely any light of the moon shining on him. 

Hoping he would believe you, you had no choice but to lie because he doesn't really care and if he does he probably won't show it. Your a freak and nobody at Hogwarts really cares. Or at least that's what you think. 

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