Young! Sirius Black x reader

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Sirius Black thinks he's better than everyone else. He uses random girls as sex toys and doesn't give a damn about their feelings. He also hits on you at every chance he gets, but unlike most girls you don't give in to his stupid games. Sure, you think he's charming and funny, like most girls, but there is a long thick line from being in love with someone and thinking that they are funny. Right now, Sirius Black is at the other end of the ROR talking with his very drunk best friend James Potter and flirting with every single girl that walks by (except Lily because James would kill him if he did). 

You are with your group of friends on the opposite side of the room from Sirius and you have only had one bottle of firewhiskey. Loud music coming from the loud speaker in the middle of the student crowd filled room. For some strange reason you kept stealing glances at Sirius, and every time you saw him eyeing a girl in the room while talking to James. It made your blood boil and you didn't at all know why. 

After awhile of swaying and talking to your friends, you decided to go sit in the back. The party was just to loud for you and there were too many people surrounding you, also in the back you can't see Sirius with another girl. About five minutes after you sat down, you spaced out, with your mind blank, staring at your bottle of firewhiskey on the table. 

"Y/n?" you snapped back to reality at the sound of another voice beside you. You looked over and saw your best friend in the whole world, Alice Fortescue, looking a bit drunk but worried. 

"Yes Ali?" you ask in a bored tone. You have never really been one for people and parties but Alice and Lily dragged you to this party in exchange for doing your homework for two weeks. 

"Come on, were going to play a game with the others" Alice says grabbing your hands and bringing you to a circle made of students. Looking around you realized that there aren't that many people at the party anymore, then you started wondering how long you spaced out for.

When you sat down next to Alice in the circle you looked around to see who you were playing a game with. You saw Frank Longbottom who was sitting next to James, Sirius was on the other side of James next to Marlene Mckinnon, Lily was on Marlene's right next to Remus, Alice was sitting on the left of Remus and sitting next to you. Once you looked at everyone your e/c eyes ,for an unknown reason, found their way back to Sirius.

"How about we play.." Lily trailed off not knowing what game she was going to suggest. 

"Truth or Dare?" Alice said it more question like than needed but I don't think anyone actually payed any attention to it. 

"No no no, we need to play something leeeegggendddaaaary like.. Seven Minutes in Heaven" James suggested sounding almost as drunk as he really was. Frank and Sirius nodded their heads in agreement while you looked at Alice who looked a little paler than usual but she hesitantly agreed, Lily did the same.

You didn't agree to this game but apparently you didn't need to, to play. Alice and lily shared a look then looked at you again with matching mischievous smiles that said that you had to play if you wanted your homework done for you. You sighed  and took the scrunchie off your wrist to put in the bag James was putting peoples stuff in. 

"Alrighty who wants to go first?" Frank asked clearly not wanting to go first. 

"Thanks for volunteering" You told him relief clearly evident in your voice as you spoke. You felt Sirius' eyes on you but you payed absolutely no attention to him because his gaze has nothing to do with the game. Frank gently closed his eyes and put his hand in the bag searching for something to grab. Almost instantly Frank pulled out one of Alice's bracelets and turned a light shade of crimson. 

"A-Alice" Frank stumbled avoiding everyone's gaze on him. Alice slowly stood up and walked towards the stairs to the girls' dormitory because everyone that sleeps in there is down here playing the game. Frank followed her up. 

"I ship them so hard" Remus whispered to you smiling. You turned to him and very quietly laughed at his statement, not noticing the glare Sirius was giving you and Remus. 

Seven minutes later Frank walked down the stairs with swollen bright red lips, his hair messier than it was before, and a huge goofy smile on his face. A few seconds later Alice came down looking the exact same as Frank but her neck had a mark on it. You smiled at how happy they both looked. 

"Y/n, your not going to leave this room until you play" Remus said. You and Remus have been really good friends since third year when you found out that he was a werewolf. 

"I can go last then" you tell him matter of factly. 

"Oh no, you have to go before us. So, now" Lily said pulling you on your feet. 

"I will do it but you have to do my homework for a month" 


Lily let go of your hands as you closed your eyes and put your arm in the bag. It took a minute but you finally grabbed a hold of something made of leather. You pulled it out and your eyes went wide as everyone in the circle even Sirius smirked.  

"No no no no" you whispered to yourself. You looked at Lily hoping that she would let you put Sirius' leather jacket back and grab something else out of the bag but instead she practically pulled you up the girls or your dormitory stairs. Not caring about your protesting remarks. 

Not long after you got dragged into your dormitory, Sirius walked in and went straight towards you on your bed. You moved before he could get to you though. After about thirty seconds Sirius' eyes found their way back to you and decided to break the silence by asking the question he has been wanting to know the answer to for about a year. 

"Why don't you like me?" Sirius asked in a tone that made your heart break. You turned to look at him. 

"Well for starters you hit on every other girl that walks by.. Y-you sleep with random girls and don't care how they feel afterwards" You said without even thinking twice about your answer. Sirius inhaled a sharp breathe as you finished your explanation of why you don't like him (even though you do but just don't know it) . 

"but your not every other girl" He explains looking at you with a look of pure love in his eyes. It confused you as to why he felt this way towards you when you have been ignoring him for about three months (mostly)

"Why me?" You ask trying to figure out your feelings for the black haired boy beside you. Sirius smiled and moved a piece of hair out of your face with his thumb. He leaned in closer to you, to where you could feel his warm breath on your lips.

Some kind of fire roared in your heart at that moment and you closed the gap between the two of you by pushing your lips against his passionately. Sirius immediately kissed back and put his hands on your waist pulling your body closer to his. 

You slid your tongue across Sirius' bottom lip asking for entrance to explore. He smiled teasingly but decided to let you in anyway.  Suddenly without knocking or anything James and Lily barged into the room with matching smirks on their faces. 

"You owe me five galleons Evans" James said holding out his hand waiting for the money to placed.


I hope you enjoy this one shot! Thank you for reading this!!!!

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