Luna Lovegood x reader

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"Hey Luna" you greeted the blonde girl with a small but still bright smile on your face. Luna looked up from her book and gave you a small smile as she motioned you to the spot of grass beside her. 

"Hello Y/n" Luna's dreamy voice saying your name so calmly made your face turn a light shade of a pink color. You never really knew why Luna made you feel this way until yesterday when you saw her hanging around Ginny and laughing at something funny  she said. It made your heart break and at that moment you knew that you were in love with Luna Lovegood. 

"What are you reading?" you asked curiously, you were always very fascinated by the magical and interesting creatures Luna reads about and you hope one day you will be able to see them. 

"A very good book about whackspurts" Luna replied moving closer to you so that you can read the book too.

Luna was so close to you, and all you want to do is lean over and put your cold lips on her warm ones. But if you did that it could ruin your entire friendship and you don't want that to happen. You looked over and read the words on the pages. Most of it sounded like nonsense but you still have hope that these creatures could be real. 

You and Luna sat there for merlin knows how long and you only noticed that it had been long while when you noticed the sun started setting below the tree's where you could hardly see it anymore. The sky was amazingly beautiful with its multi colored sky and the pink clouds, then you felt Luna intertwine her hand with yours silently, you felt as though you would never want to leave this position for the world. But there is one problem, this is the best chance your ever going to get to tell her how you feel. 

"Hey Luna?" You asked hoping that she would listen to how you feel before she leaves you here alone.

"Uhm?" Was Luna's reply, you thought that she was so beautiful sitting in the shine of the setting sun and the pink sky and it took everything in you not to kiss her right now. 

"Well t-theres something that i-i need t-to tell you, I kind of really l-like y-you and i bet you dont feel t-the same-" you were cut off by a warm pair of lips on your own. It took a moment for you to kiss back but when you did your lips and Luna's molded together perfectly. 


This is the shortest one shot i have ever done. I hope that it's not too short for you. I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!! Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!!!

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