James Potter

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(Ummm so a little back story here: James got over lily when he saw her and Snape snogging in an empty classroom in fifth year) 

You were sitting in the Gryffindor common room with the rest of the marauders. It was a quiet sunday evening and you were reading a muggle book that your brother got you for your birthday a week before. You were sitting next to your secret boyfriend James Potter. You see, the two of you aren't public with your relationship yet because you were both kind of afraid of how your brother would react. If you weren't disowned by your parents at the beginning of last year along with your brother then you would be scared of telling them. If you haven't caught on yet you're the twin sister of Sirius Black, and it wasn't just you that was worried of how your brother would react, James was also worried. I mean why would he not be worried, he's dating his best friends twin sister. 

Sirius was sitting on Remus' lap with his head snuggled in Remus' neck on the ground in front of the fire. Peter was sitting in the corner of the red chair across from you and James working on homework. The only sounds were Sirius' shallow breathing, the turning of pages, and the noise of Peter writing on parchment with his cool new quill that he bragged to everyone about when he got it. You were so engrossed in your book and the peace and quiet around you that you only looked up when you felt an unfamiliar presence around you. Not long after you looked up James did and standing before you two was a shorter blonde girl with a determined look on her face. But the weird thing was, the girl was only focusing on James which made your blood boil. 

"Did it hurt?" the girl asked James, sitting on the armrest of the couch next to James, wearing what was probably supposed to be a charming smile.

"What?"  James questions giving the girl a confused look. The girl put her hand on James' shoulder in a kind of flirtatious kind of way which made you glare daggers at the girl without really knowing what you were doing. James gave you a glance out of the corner of his eye but soon had to look back at the girl before anyone noticed who he was staring at, that wasn't the girl in front of him. 

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" The girl let go of James' shoulder and gave him another one of her charming smiles which had no effect on James but because this girl was really pretty you thought he would leave you for her and a look of anger and sadness crossed your face without you realizing. Sirius looked up from his comfortable spot on Remus' lap just in time to see the way your face changed from jealousy to sadness and then to anger while looking at the girl and James. It confused Sirius but what happened next gave him a mix of emotions. 

"Actually no it didn't" James replied putting on a smile as he slid his arms around your waist and moved you on his lap, "because Y/n was there to catch me" 

You smiled at him getting lost in his hazel eyes as he practically drowned in your e/c ones. You and James hardly noticed when the girl left which she huffed angrily at but you two just ignored her. James leaned in and placed his lips on yours in a slow gentle kiss. The kiss didn't last long though because they pulled away when Sirius made a noise of surprise, jumping up from Remus' lap, which startled Remus. You and James looked at Sirius with nervousness clearly evident on your faces.  

"Y/n--a-and--prongs" Sirius stuttered out as Remus put his hands around Sirius' shoulders to calm him down.

Remus moved with Sirius over to the couch to sit down so Sirius won't pass out while trying to wrap his head around what just happened. You grabbed James' hand and walked over to your brother sitting down beside him. It took awhile for Sirius to calm down but with the help of you and James calmly telling him compliments about his hair which Peter quietly laughed at while watching the scene in front of him, and with the help from Remus grabbing his boyfriends hand and giving it a small squeeze of reassurance. When Sirius finally calmed down he looked between you and james with a small smile on his lips. 

"My twin sister and my best friend" Sirius pats you then james on the shoulder congratulating you. you smiled and rested your head on James' shoulder while intertwining your fingers cold fingers with his warmer ones. Remus gave you a congratulating hug which got him a glare from James because James is very overprotective of you. You know that because ever since you and him started to secretly dating, the guys who hit on you would end up getting pranked or or got a small injury from James and his wand. Peter smiled at how how happy James and You looked and instantly got an idea to tease you. 

"James and Y/n sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G-" 

"you guys don't uh...kiss though...do you?" Sirius interrupted Peter with a weird look on his face. 

"Yes Pads" you told your brother with a teasing smile on your face. 

"All the time" James cut in giving Sirius the same teasing smile. 


"AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH" Sirius exclaimed throwing his head back against Remus' chest which caused Remus, you, james, and peter to let out light chuckles at his behavior. You decided that you liked to tease your brother so you turned to face James with a light smirk on your face, he seemed to catch on and crashed his lips on yours. You wasted no time on responding and kissed him back in a passionate kiss. 

"Merlin! My eyes! My innocent eyes!" Sirius covered his eyes with Remus' hand, which he was holding when he saw the sight in front of him. You pulled away from James biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing. Sirius saw James whisper something into your ear and get up walking out of the portrait hole leaving you flustered on the couch. 

"I'm gonna go..." You looked from the portrait hole, which James just walked out of and then back to Sirius and Remus "I actually don't think i need to tell you what i'm going to do" You finished with a teasing smile before walking out of the portrait hole following after James. Remus had to hold Sirius back from following you out which after five minutes Sirius finally stopped trying to get out of Remus' grip and laid his head in Remus' lap wrapping his head around what just happened. 

"Did he really think we were going to snog?" James asks with a smile on his features when you guys were far enough away from Gryffindor tower. 

"I think he did" You laughed while James put his arm around your waist as you walked. James gave a small laugh and then found himself feeling hungry. 

"Let's go to the kitchens. I'm starving" James let go of your waist and grabbed your hand, practically running down towards the kitchens, which had you stumbling after him. 


Here you go! Another one shot! This one shot was requested by HPGG11 on Quotev I hope you like it!!!! 
By other account name on Quotev is; Strange fangirl

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