Neville x reader

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You were sitting on one of the window seats in Honeydukes. Honeydukes was one of your favorite places to go. Even with all of the loud people there, it seemed to calm you.
This was the first time you have felt calm in weeks. It felt nice. 
        You were quickly pulled out of your peaceful state when you started thinking about Neville again. His soft lips. How they tasted like strawberries. The way he made you feel butterflies in your stomach whenever he looked at you. You missed this amazing feeling.
        Your relationship ended when you felt you couldn't trust him anymore after he 'accidently' went into a broom closet with a Ravenclaw girl. You knew it probably was an accident and the Ravenclaw girl forced him in the closet but you couldn't take any risk of it happening again.
After you ended with him you cried for hours in your dormitory. Sure, Harry held you while you cried but it was nothing like when Neville held you.  Great here you are again talking about him! You need to stop. A voice inside your head said. You knew the voice was right but you couldn't help it you thought about him all of the time no matter what you did. 
        You got up and left the great place of honeydukes. It pained you to think about Neville at all so you needed to clear your head. And what better place to do that than The black Lake. You slowly started walking away from the loud crowds in the streets of Hogsmeade when you saw a familiar face in the distance. 
        You really wanted to see him. To talk to him. Ask him if he would marry you. But you didn't know if it was time yet. No, I'm not going to talk to him, you thought. But your legs have minds of their owns because they started walking in his direction.
        You gulped. Once you were close enough you saw that he was with someone else. A girl. Luna. You watched her glassy eyes look at Neville with a smile on her face. He looked happy and determined. It hurt you when he gave a loving hug to Luna. Why would i think he hadn't moved on yet?  Why haven't i moved on yet? These questions played in your head until you found an answer. Because you love him you idiot. The voice inside your head answered you in a duh tone. This voice always made you a bit irritated but you didn't really know why. 
        You noticed you were staring and started looking away. But your eyes locked with caramel brown ones. You felt a slight blush creep it's way on your face. You looked away and started walking away when you heard your name called. Your chocolate brown eyes looked  back and saw Luna motion Neville to you. He looked at you and started heading in your direction. You were frozen. 
​​      " Melanie can we talk?" Neville asked when he caught up to where you were. You nodded, your mouth not forming any words. He let out a sigh of relief and lead you towards a more quiet spot. 
        " w-what d-do you want to t-talk about?" you asked stuttering like crazy. You wanted to believe that the stuttering was from the cold but you knew it wasn't. He just smiled and took your hands. You looked up into his eyes and saw Love, lust and a glimmer of regret. You felt a wave of guilt build inside of you. You felt bad for giving him up. 
      " us" He whispered. You were confused. Why did he want to talk about us when he has Luna? 
      " Us?"  You asked back. He looked nervous but looked at you with a sad look. 
      " I miss you like crazy " you could now feel his warm breath on your lips. You wanted to kiss him so bad but you couldn't. 
            " But you have Luna" it came out a little more mean than you intended but you were irritated and couldn't hide it very well. 
    " what does that have to do with anything?" He looked confused. It was then that it dawned on you that he was talking to Luna as best friends. You felt bad for thinking anything was going on between them. 
        " Nevermind " you said. His eyes looked at yours again and you had the sudden urge to tell him how you felt. You were about to open your mouth when you noticed his eyes had drifted from your eyes down to your lips. You giggled. There was no need to tell him how you feel right at this moment when you could kiss him instead. You knew you both wanted it so you smashed your lips onto his. 
        You loved the way his lips tasted like strawberries dipped in milk chocolate. The feeling of butterflies came back and you felt his heart slowly beating against your chest. You were fairly certain he could feel your heart banging in your chest. You put your hands around his neck to deepen the kiss. He reacted quickly and moved his hands to waist. You loved this. It made all of your worries go away. Your lips moved in sync until 
It was clear you both needed air after a few seconds so you pulled away. He smiled at you and cupped your face in his soft and gentle hands. 
          " I love you " he whispered in your ear. You loved him too. It was just harder for you to say in three words. You felt like you could say i love you a million different ways to him right now. You opened your mouth to tell him you love him but that's not what you said.
        " Will you marry me?" did you just ask him that? When we just got back together? You couldn't look at his reaction. What if it was a look of disgust or even worse hatred. Your breathing got shaky thinking about the worst case scenarios.  You felt a hand pull your head up. You looked at him and saw that he was smiling. A true smile that he only really wore with you.  He softly gave you a small kiss. 
" of course i will" he whispered happily before pulling your lips back to his.

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