Cedric Diggory x reader

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The sun shines bright through your Gryffindor dormitory window, you can hear your roommates/friends getting ready for school around you as you lay tiredly in your very comfortable bed under a very soft blanket. It's sunday morning and your friends Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell won't let you sleep in past eight o'clock AM. The night before you got hardly any sleep because your mind just wouldn't shut up about what your feeling inside. 

You turn your body over so you're facing Katie who is standing beside your bed looking annoyed but still tired at the same time. You smile up at her innocently and cover yourself with your warm cotton blanket. Katie sighed dramatically and pretended to give up on getting you out of bed while she grabbed her pillow from her already made bed. She happily walked back over to your bed again and started hitting you with her pillow. 

"Get--up--now!" Katie practically yells while hitting you rather harshly with her pillow. 

"Fine! Stop hitting me!" You yelled back pulling the blanket off and throwing it at Katie. After Katie went away you got up, got your clothes out of your drawer, and went to the bathroom to change.

When you were done you groggily made your way down the stairs and towards the Great Hall. The hall wasn't crowded with students but it also wasn't empty either, which i guess you were grateful for. 

Yesterday you promised your best friend Cedric Diggory that you would sit at the Hufflepuff table with him because Fred and George would already be there. You haven't told anybody this but you have been in love with Cedric for about two years, but what you didn't know was that everyone else already knew. Well, everyone except the one and only, Cedric Diggory, who usually isn't oblivious to something that is right in front of his face. 

"Hello boys" You greet them sitting down in an empty seat beside Cedric. You were honestly surprised that one of Cedrics 'fangirls' weren't sitting there already like there usually is. 

Students from Hufflepuff, mostly girls in yours and Cedrics year, look at you with suspicious looks as you start putting food on your plate but the students at the Gryffindor table just give you one not so confused glance then resumed to what they were doing or talking about before. Fred and George each gave you a small mischievous smile then started stuffing their faces full of food. Which you thought was quite disturbing by the way. 

"Good Morning y/n" Cedric greeted before taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

You saw Fred and george finish their food rather super quickly and put down their eating utensils, you weren't confused or surprised by this because this was usual morning, then George cracked a joke and you nearly choked on your food. Instantly the four of you cracked up uncontrollably laughing.  Not long after your breathing started to even out again and you were starting to calm down, some Hufflepuff girl came up to where the four of you were sitting and started talking or rather flirting to Cedric. 

"Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?" The girl asked using a very cheesy pick up line. You were angrily picking stabbing the food left on your plate by this point. But when Cedric smiled at her with his beautiful breathtaking smile and started flirting with this girl, you accidentally, but very loudly, dropped your fork on your plate making a clattering noise. A few heads turned towards your direction, including the girl, Cedric, and the twins, but you just ignored them, took one last small glance at Cedric locking your e/c eyes with his grey ones for a quick moment, then looked away and swiftly left the Great Hall. 

The Hufflepuff girl was a very nice person and she could tell that she wasn't wanted here even if no one else knew, and left Cedric back to his friends. Cedric looked at Fred and George with a confused expression written on his face not knowing what he did to make his best friend in the whole world since first year angry and leave. 

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