Theodore Nott x Reader

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The moon was out and the stars were shining in the dark blue sky above you, the wind was warm and somehow welcoming as it gently blew through the small open field that was you and your boyfriend's secret meeting place. You would meet there once every other week at midnight so that everyone was asleep when you sneak out.

You see, the two of you have to keep your relationship a secret because you're Y/n L/n, the royal child of the two gay kings of the Gryffindor kingdom, while Theodore was the royal son of the king and queen of the Slytherin kingdom. Your dads probably would understand and not get really angry if they find out about your relationship with Theodore, his parents though, most likely wouldn't...but your trying not to think about anything related to that at the moment.

At the moment you were sitting on a quilt that you randomly picked out from your room, and staring up at the stars. You were wearing a comfortable blue slightly baggy shirt, that you borrowed from your father because he doesn't care what you wear, and very comfortable light blue, slightly ripped jeans.

It was a great change from your red and gold royal robes and a red and gold ties that your parents made you wear so that they seemed at least somewhat formal. The sound of crunching grass from behind you, made you jump slightly until you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder, and you instantly relaxed.

"Relax, hun, it's just me." He says softly coming to sit down beside you on the quilt, as you craned your neck slightly to look over at him. Theodore was wearing a nice white long sleeved dress shirt, with the sleeves folded up to about where his elbow is, and a nice pair of casual dress pants i guess you could call them, this is what he usually wears because his parents are super formal.

"Don't scare me like that." You scolded in a serious tone but there was a bright smile forming on your face nontheless as he sat down directly beside you, his shoulder brushing against yours.

After about one brief moment of just sitting there staring up at the sky, you slipped your hand into his and rested your head on his shoulder, a small smile played on your lips as you felt almost all the tension he was holding ease from him at the action. Every time the two of you meet up, he's always tense and it makes you just want to hold him, and when you do, it makes you so happy when he lets himself relax with you.

"Hey Honey?" Theodore questions quietly after a few minutes of silence that neither of you really wanted to break but Theodore just felt the small need to hear your voice, as he moves so that he's sitting criss cross applesauce on the ground. You look over at him, blushing slightly at the nickname. No matter how many times he uses them on you, you can't stop blushing at them.


"Can you tell me about the constellations in he sky?" He asks, glancing up at the sky before returning his attention to you.

"Yes...why?" You give him a slightly questioning look because your boyfriend has never shown any interest in learning..well anything really that's not magic, and it wasn't a common occurrence that he would ask to hear someone talk about something that he doesn't really have an interest in at all, but you'll gladly tell him anything about any star or constellation in the sky in a heartbeat.

"I wanna hear you talk.." Theodore replies with a nervous like chuckle at the end. You blushed slightly but didn't argue with it and started talking.

"Well, where to start? The one up there that looks kinda like a faint upside down Y, is Cancer! Ooh the one over a bit on it's left that looks like an almost lopsided diamond is Libra, it's one of my favourites-" Theo stopped listening there, not because he didn't like what you were talking abou,t but because he just wanted to admire you.

He loved the way that your eyes lit up with twinkling stars as you talked about the stars in the sky. He loved the way that your smile grew brighter with every word about the subject, he loved the way that you would talk like there wasn't a bother in the world and get lost in your words. He loved the way that you would scrunch up your face for a moment when you couldn't think of something before your smile returned when you remembered. He found his eyes trailing down to your lips as you talked, they were a little chapped but that's somehow perfect for him, and that just leads him to the conclusion that he just loves everything about you, good or bad. You looked absolutely perfect in his eyes, especially here under the star and moonlight, and he really wants nothing more than for you to-

"Run away with me." Theodore says, causing you to stop talking about the stars and look back over at him, with slightly widened eyes.

"W-what?" You ask, wondering if you heard him correctly. Sure, you've thought of running away so that you could have a normal life, but you never thought that the love of your life would ask you to run away with him out of nowhere.

"Did I-I say that o-out loud?" Theodore asks in what sounded like nervousness with his cheeks tinting a dark shade of pink, which honestly was an adorable sight in your opinion. It's not a lot that you get to see your boyfriend blush like that, and you smiled slightly.

"Yeah-" You were cut off though by a nervous Theodore, he wasn't planning on asking you just yet because he wanted to know if you were attached to this place or something first, so he was pretty nervous, and anxious, that he asked.

"I-it's okay if you d-don't want to! I-I won't really m-mind!-" And Theo started rambling about random nonsense, getting off track a lot just in a sentence. You smiled softly and crawled over to him before grabbing his hand in yours again and softly placing your lips on his, silencing him from his rambling. Theodore immediately kissed back which was expected, and even though the kiss wasn't very long it was soft and kinda felt like an eternity to you.

"Theo?" You pull away from the kiss, and stare at him, still wearing a soft smile. Theodore was a little dazed from it, so it took him a few seconds to come back to reality.


"I would love to run away with you, and get away from this place if it means that I can be with you openly." You tell him, with your cheeks tinting a light shade of pink as you spoke, it had always been that it didn't take much for you to blush, so this was a common occurrence. A smile slowly formed on Theodore's face as he stared back at her, and without hesitation put a strand piece of hair behind your ear.

"Are you sure?" He asks softly, his hand resting on your cheek making your blush darken a bit.

"P-positive." You answer, pulling yourself so that you were still sitting beside him but also practically sitting on his lap.

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too."

"More than the stars up there?" He points up to the Libra star constellation, you consider it for a few seconds.

"...Maybe, maybe not." You answer with a small teasing smile, gaining a small laugh from your boyfriend.


I'm..actually kinda proud of this one..

I hope you like it!

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